• Т. Posnova University of the state fiscal service of Ukraine
Keywords: creativity, creative human capital, innovative economy


The article explores the essence of creative human capital as the factor of innovative
development of the economy, where knowledge, science-intensive technologies and
new developments are playing the key role. The notion of "creativity" was analyzed as a base-line for the functioning of creative human capital. The conditions and factors for
the formation and development of highly effective creative human capital were
described, also the development disincentives were considered. It was founded that the
system of state regulation of sociо-economic relations concerning the effective
reproduction of creative human capital under the conditions of an innovative economy
should develop under the conscious influence of the state and the private sector, taking
into account the socially necessary interests of all spheres of society. The regulatory
influence of the state on the formation of the conditions and preconditions for the
development and reproduction of creative human capital should be based on the
development of scientifically grounded models and relevant state programs. For this
purposes, it was determined that the priority is the need to develop an effective
mechanism for the implementation of the results of innovation activities and to create
an effective institutional environment that can ensure the development of talent and
increase the efficiency of creative human capital. As a result, these actions should ensure
an increase in the standard of living of the entire population. Since the main vector of
development for Ukraine should be the reorientation of the economy to high-tech
production, in such conditions the state should rely on creative human capital and


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How to Cite
PosnovaТ. (2019). CREATIVE HUMAN CAPITAL AS FACTOR OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY. Economic Scope, (141), 172-182. Retrieved from