• А. Gavrilenko Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after Heroes of Krut
Keywords: administrative reform, decentralization, risks of decentralization, territorial communities


The article reveals the expected risks in the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine. The basic definitions of decentralization have been analyzed. The main risks of decentralization are as follows: lack of mechanisms envisaged by the draft Law "On the Association of Territorial Communities", for the implementation of administrative and territorial reform; weakening of state control over the implementation of extended powers by local self-government bodies; the threat of failure to finance the powers of local self-government bodies. Three important stages of the development of the National Support Strategy are identified: the first stage requires the characterization and understanding of the national NSP; the second stage provides for an analysis of the current situation in the country; The third stage involves refining the international strategy-response. It is proved that the new system of public administration in Ukraine should be created through administrative reform. Therefore, the content of administrative reform consists, on the one hand, in the complex reorganization of the existing system of public administration in all spheres of public life in Ukraine. On the other hand - in the development of some institutions of public administration, which Ukraine has not yet created as a sovereign state.


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How to Cite
GavrilenkoА. (2019). EXPECTED RISKS IN THE PROCESS OF DECENTRALIZATION OF THE POWER IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (141), 137-146. Retrieved from http://prostir.pdaba.dp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/16