• S. Adonin Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • Yu. Kalashnikova Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: economic security of the company, risks, threats, assessment of financial security, indicator criteria


Different approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept "economic security enterprise", and to the identification of the threats to the economic security of the national entity and the current state of economic security enterprises of Ukraine have been investigated in the article. The basic theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "economic security of the enterprise" are considered, as well as threats to the economic security of domestic economic entities are identified and systematized. Economic security of business entities is a basic component of the micro level. It determines and defines the economic security regions, sectors (areas) and the state in general. The financial security of a modern company is determined by a variety of high quality, as well as numerical characteristics, among which is considered an indicator of the level of financial security. The degree of financial security of the company is an analysis of the productivity of using the company's resources at the existing degree of economic and entrepreneurial risk. In order to achieve a higher degree of financial security, an organization is required to observe the highest security of key flows of its activities. The main trends of the company can be represented from a multifunctional as well as institutional point of view. The potential threats to economic security of the company are identified. They can be divided into external and internal ones. External threats do not depend on the enterprise activity. They can be only considered (if they are identified) in the in the process of organization of the company activity. Internal threats are caused by the activities of the enterprise itself: the by the system organization of such activities, by the level of financial management, by the qualification of its leaders etc. more. Recently, many factors, that cause a threat and negative impact on the economic security of domestic enterprises, have intensified. That fact, that the threats to economic security of the company have been increasing, causes the need for some rapid actions which should be done by the owners of the enterprise and its top managers.


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How to Cite
Adonin, S., & Kalashnikova, Y. (2019). PROBLEMS OF MODERN ENTERPRISE’S ECONOMIC SECURITY ESTIMATION. Economic Scope, (148), 106-115. Retrieved from