Keywords: bioenergy, energy security, national security, energy sector, energy system, energy supply, sustainable development


The purpose of the article is to study the current state of the fuel and energy system, its vulnerability to wartime risks, and analysis of the potential of bioenergy in solving the problem of strengthening the national security of Ukraine by recognizing the critical importance of energy security. The relationship between the definitions of "national security" and "energy security" as components of a part and a whole is revealed. The hypothesis about the critical importance of energy security in the national security system is formulated, considering the importance of the energy sphere for all elements of both economic and social segments without exception. The characteristics of the fuel and energy complex were studied as part of a retrospective analysis. The system of factors that increase the parameters of the vulnerability of the national energy system has been decomposed. The structure of electricity generation in Ukraine, which corresponds to the signs of a high level of centralization, is analyzed. Attention is focused on the need to diversify sources of energy in order to strengthen positions in energy security and, therefore, in national energy security. Special attention is paid to bioenergy development as part of implementing the strategic task of building a combined energy supply system. The influence of the latter on national security was studied through the disclosure of factors of direct influence (diversification of the resource base, substitution of imported energy carriers, strengthening of stability in the conditions of wartime challenges due to the production of stable and predictable electricity; the ability to balance the energy system), as well as highlighting positive external effects (reduction of anthropogenic impact on the environment, diversification of agricultural production, increasing the level of socio-economic development of rural areas, development of innovations, creation of new jobs). A list of the main directions of the regulatory influence of the state on the processes of changing the energy balance in the direction of expanding the share of bioenergy as a driver of the development of decentralized generation based on the combination of socio-ecological and economic imperatives of the development of the national economy, which corresponds to the concepts of sustainable development and national security requirements, is given.


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How to Cite
Stepanenko, S., & Loktionov, D. (2024). BIOENERGY AS A FACTOR OF NATIONAL SECURITY UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economic Scope, (190), 398-403.