Keywords: relocation, small and medium-sized businesses, adaptation, economic recovery, martial law, strategic planning


In the context of martial law in Ukraine, businesses are severely affected in terms of their operations and economic resilience, with small and medium-sized businesses being discussed in more detail. Relocated business in martial law conditions plays an important role in ensuring security, stability and continuation of business activities. It allows companies to move their operations to safer and more stable areas, maintaining operational efficiency and protecting personnel and assets from possible threats. Relocation opens up opportunities for business, namely, it gives an opportunity to adapt to new conditions and maintain its activity in risky conditions. An important feature for most businesses in Ukraine is the geographical connection to their customers. It was this factor that became decisive at the beginning of the war. Today, businesses are affected differently by military operations, depending on their location. Businesses are forced to look for adaptation strategies, namely using the possibility of relocation to ensure safety and maintain operations. Relocation support programs are becoming an important tool for ensuring business stability in times of war. Despite the difficult conditions, entrepreneurs demonstrate determination and optimism, which indicates their readiness to restore the economy and develop during the crisis. The importance of flexibility and strategic planning is becoming more pronounced as businesses look for new ways to adapt to change. Overall, businesses are actively adapting to the new environment of instability in an effort to maintain their operations and contribute to the country's economic recovery. The article examines the impact of military aggression on Ukrainian business and economy, highlights the role of relocation of enterprises in ensuring their safety and stability, and also examines the adaptation programs of enterprises during the crisis period. The object of the study is to determine the role and place of the relocated business in Ukraine under martial law. The subject of the study is the mechanism of business relocation in Ukraine under martial law.


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How to Cite
Elkhaddad, A., & Akhnovska, I. (2024). THE ROLE AND PLACE OF RELOCATED BUSINESS IN UKRAINE UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economic Scope, (190), 381-386.