• O. Fylypenko Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
  • T. Koliesnik Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
Keywords: retailers, basic indicators, dynamics, problems of development, Kharkiv region


The goal of this article is the analysis of modern condition and trend of development, definition of the regional features and the main problems of the domestic trade of Kharkiv region. The modern condition and the problems of the development of the trade industry in Kharkiv region on the basis of the definition of the trends and the main indicators of the development of the retail trade have been discovered in this paper. The regional structure of the retail trading circulation of the manufactures of the retail for the period of the 2010 – 2018 pp., product structure of retail of the trading enterprises in the cutaway trade by the goods of the food and non-food groups, the depending of the main social-economic indicators from the change of the index of physical volume of retail turnover of the enterprise after the product groups have been analyzed in this article. On the basis of the results of analysis it was found that the growth in retail turnover is slower than the increase of the real income of the population, as a result of the falling of purchasing power. It was approved on the regional market the new formats of enterprises of a modern type such as hypermarkets, supermarkets, shopping centers, shops near the house, takes place the rapid development of the Internet trade, that provides higher quality of the service. All this gives the place of the deletion from the consumer market such shopping format as kiosks and pavilions, and the markets transform into the shopping service centers. Trends of the development of the retail allowed to summarize the main problems, that slow down it’s functioning and market development of Kharkiv region and the propositions to overcome it have been formulated. To solve the identified problems, the main directions of improvement of retail trade of the region are defined: forming a consumer offer, affordable pricing and quality assurance of goods, taking into account the purchasing power of consumers; introduction of the latest information technologies and telecommunication networks to provide quality and comprehensive services to the population; improving the location of retail outlets to avoid spontaneous trading and eliminating the imbalance of trade network development in individual areas, both in the city and in the region as a whole.


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How to Cite
Fylypenko, O., & Koliesnik, T. (2019). SITUATION ANALYSIS AND PROSPECTS OF TRADE IN KHARKIV REGION. Economic Scope, (148), 59-71. Retrieved from