Keywords: organic products, market, standard, certification, operator, consumer


The article defines the concepts of «organic products», «organic production», «consumer», and «circulation of organic products». To ensure the efficient and stable development of the organic products market in Ukraine, on 10 July 2018, the Law of Ukraine «On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic Production, Circulation and Labelling of Organic Products» was adopted. Taking into account that the organic market is a set of socio-economic relations in the field of exchange, which provides the sale of goods, it can be argued that not all issues have been resolved. The market participants of organic products, such as consumers, intermediaries, sales outlets, stakeholders, etc. were left out. The research used general scientific and special methods. The historical method helped to characterise the main stages of development of Organic Standard LLC. Graphical research methods were applied to gain a deeper understanding of the object and subject of the study, to identify their structural elements and to establish the relationship between them. Logical generalisations were used to conclude. It is emphasised that certification is an integral part of the organic market. The history of the formation of the first certification body accredited by NAAU for certification under Ukrainian organic legislation, Organic Standard LLC, is traced, and its services and activities are listed. The active participants of the organic sector in Ukraine being the partners are described as the following, Swiss-Ukrainian Programme «Development of Higher Value Added Trade in the Organic and Dairy Sectors of Ukraine», German-Ukrainian Cooperation in Organic Agriculture Project, USAID Agricultural and Rural Development Programme - AGRO, Public Union «Organic Initiative», OrganicInfo Information Portal, Public Union «Organic Ukraine», Federation of Organic Movement of Ukraine, Association «Berry Growing in Ukraine», etc. The article also identifies the stakeholders of the organic market that are not covered by the Organic Law of Ukraine. To integrate into international trade, it is necessary to build and implement consistent communication with the consumer regarding the advantages and clear differences between organic products and other products, including the peculiarities of production and the history of producers; knowledge of as well as trust in organic certificates; information about the nearest locations of sales outlets.


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How to Cite
Petrovskyi, S. (2024). STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIC MARKET IN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (190), 287-293.