Keywords: economic education, economic competence, professional activity, teacher, development


The article substantiates that at the moment of time, the state's need to solve the problem of providing economic education and forming the economic culture of a specialist, capable of changing the environment for the greater satisfaction of society's needs, is growing. In this regard, the role of economic competence in the development of professional skills of the future teacher has been determined. Economic competence has been characterized as a special type of organization of knowledge, skills aimed at economic activity, which allow an individual to solve problems and perform typical economic tasks that arise in real life situations. It has been established that the content of economic competence is: the ability to analyze and synthesize economic information; the ability to apply economic knowledge practically; the ability to adapt to new economic situations; systemic understanding of knowledge transfer (system competence); innovative abilities; moderation (ability to manage a group of colleagues, partners using administrative and management methods); the ability to integrate, encouragement to express different opinions and approaches; the ability to stimulate creative economic behavior. Groups of components in the structure of the future teacher's economic competence have been identified: fundamental (basic), functional (key) and practical, which is a systemic unity. The essence of each group of components has been revealed. It has been determined that economic competence presupposes the presence of specific skills on which its level depends. The dependence of the potential of the future teacher on the level of economic competence has been substantiated. Attention has been focused on the fact that the basis of the formation of economic competence will be the main methods and techniques that will provide an opportunity for innovative development and the formation of interest in the further improvement of both knowledge and skills. Specific methods and techniques of cognitive activity have been listed, their essence has been revealed. It has been concluded that the process of formation of professional skills is focused on the development of the personal and creative potential of future teachers, their accumulation of experience of interaction and communication when included in the real conditions of the living space. The formed economic competence contributes to the future teacher's development of analytical skills, skills in assessing the state of the economic base, and design abilities, ensuring competitiveness, adaptability, mobility to modern market relations and implementation of social and economic aspects of pedagogical activity.


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How to Cite
Proskura, V., Tovkanets, A., & Bilak, H. (2024). ECONOMIC COMPETENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OF THE FUTURE TEACHER. Economic Scope, (190), 122-127.

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