Keywords: cybersecurity, cyberspace security, organizational and legal mechanism of cybersecurity, the idea of a global cybersecurity system


Communication in cyberspace with the use of digital technologies reflects a global trend and more effective implementation of social relations in general, and in the business sector in particular. The use of digital technologies in business significantly accelerates the exchange of various information, which increases the efficiency of business processes, in particular through the use of digital marketing, online platforms for negotiations, transactions, etc. At the same time the digital world has another side, which conceals a number of threats to businesses and their owners. Digitalization is the formation of a sustainable communication system using digital technologies and cyberspace. Therefore the integration of physical and virtual environments creates preconditions for the emergence of threats, which are mostly concentrated in cyberspace. Ensuring the security of cyberspace in the face of today’s challenges is a highly relevant and at the same time complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach. The article outlines the construct of the organizational and legal mechanism which regulates the organization of the process of ensuring cybersecurity of socio-economic systems in the legal field and highlights the main theses which reflect the essence of its functioning. It has been noted that the purpose of the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring cybersecurity is to organize the process of cyberspace protection through the use of the regulatory framework as a regulatory instrument and effective management of an economic entity’s resources. It has been suggested to base the formation of an effective organizational and legal mechanism on the idea of creating a global cyber security system as a guarantee of civilization development in the conditions of the latest technologies. It has been established that process of protecting cyberspace is carried out with the help of human and financial resources. Training of cybersecurity specialists is an extremely important component of the process of ensuring cybersecurity of socio-economic systems, since a high level of cyber specialist qualification increases the ability of society to withstand cyber threats. At the same time, ensuring the process of cyber specialists training and forming the necessary material and technical base for cyberspace protection require sufficient financial resources. In this context, the issue of state funding for strategic cyberspace defense programs is important. It has been suggested to carry out international cooperation within the framework of cyber defense which involves ratification of international treaties in the field of cybersecurity, implementation of certain (effective) international legal norms into the national legislation of Ukraine.


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