Keywords: entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, society, business, social problems


In very unstable socio-economic relations, which have developed in the world and in Ukraine, there is a transition to a new level of management, that’s why there is a need to apply the latest tools in state social policy, which is extremely important in the conditions of a defensive war. Social entrepreneurship is a new, innovativebusiness venture that influences change. A social entrepreneur has a specific cause that they care about, and they develop a business model around making a positive impact. The main goal is to create lasting social change through business. The dualism of the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship is based on the application of principles, tools and technologies of commercial entrepreneurship, as well as the use of innovative methods of doing business. The article highlights that one of these tools is social entrepreneurship, which at the same time contributes to the development of the economy and focuses attention on solving important social problems. The fundamental difference between social and traditional entrepreneurship is clarified. Like entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs aim to create a sustainable business with staying power. However, whereas an entrepreneur’s goal is to maximize profits, a social entrepreneur’s main concern is impact. They create economic value: by creating jobs, producing income, and nurturing an entire network of business partners-suppliers, shipping companies, lenders, and utility companies-social entrepreneurs contribute to the economic renewal of the region or country where they live and operate. Socially entrepreneurial activity takes place across all fields, from health to climate change and education, and across all sectors, from non-profit to commercial and governmental. The main problems that hinder the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are highlighted, in particular: no separate organizational and legal form is provided for the implementation of a social enterprise, the absence or insufficiency of knowledge and skills in managing such a business; narrow and unprepared market, low level of motivation.


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How to Cite
Kashyrnikova, I., Spiridonova, K., & Kirnos, O. (2024). SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN MODERN UKRAINE. Economic Scope, (190), 62-65.