• Yaroslavna Mulyk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Amina Pirniak Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Kateryna Sheiko Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: audit, IT audit, IT environment, IT auditor, digital economy, cloud technologies, information technologies


The article examines issues of the state and directions of IT audit development. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the conditions of the digital economy are characterized by the rapid pace of changes in the field of information technologies, which requires IT audit to constantly develop and adapt to new challenges. The purpose of the article is to generalize views on the interpretation of the essence of IT audit, to characterize the tasks, types, standards in the field of IT audit, to justify the main stages of IT audit, to generalize the tools of IT audit, to determine the main directions of the development of IT audit in the conditions of the digital economy. Methodical approaches to the essence of IT audit by scientists and practitioners are analyzed in the article. Studies have shown that some specialists define IT audit as a type of audit, others propose to understand and apply it only as an intermediate stage of financial audit, and some - as a separate IT consulting service. The tasks of IT audit, its types and standards are described. The main types of audit evidence, methods and tools, as well as sources of information that can be used when conducting an IT audit are analyzed. The main stages of an IT audit are highlighted: preliminary research of the IT audit object and internal audit planning; IT audit and analysis; reporting on IT audit results; tracking the results of implementation of audit recommendations. The recommended process of organizing an internal IT audit at the enterprise. The IT audit toolkit is summarized, namely: IT audit goals; the necessity of its implementation; objects of IT audit; equipment and software used in IT audit, etc. Based on the conducted research, the advantages of conducting an IT audit are summarized. The following areas of IT audit development in the conditions of the digital economy have been determined: digital transformation; cyber security; data analytics; cloud technologies; automation; regulatory requirements. The development of IT audit is aimed at improving its methods and approaches, which would meet the modern requirements of business and technology, ensuring the reliability and efficiency of information systems of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Mulyk, Y., Pirniak, A., & Sheiko, K. (2024). STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT OF IT AUDIT IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Economic Scope, (190), 47-56.