Keywords: digital technologies, ethical principles, state regulation, regulatory mechanisms, rooted resilience, security of economic development


The widespread use of digital technologies has become a key factor in the development of the modern economy. However, the potential risks associated with the digitalization process can weaken the stability and security of economic development, which necessitates strengthening the mechanisms of state regulation of the processes of development, implementation, and use of digital technologies through political support and the organization of appropriate regulatory and legal support. To form the theoretical basis of the research, general scientific methods were used. Based on the cross-national analysis, a comparison of the ethical and legal principles of the use of digital technologies was carried out and the priorities and peculiarities of their state regulation in individual countries of the world were determined. A systemic approach was used to identify the interrelationships between state regulation, legal support, and the use of digital technologies. Based on the use of the empirical method and the method of induction, general regularities are determined, the results are summarised and conclusions are drawn. The necessity of using the ethical and legal principles of regulating the use of digital technologies to ensure rooted resilience, increase the welfare of citizens and increase the competitiveness of the economy has been proven. There is a well-founded need to implement OECD principles into Ukraine's legislation and regulatory framework. The key tasks of the organization of state regulation, control, and supervision of the processes of development, implementation and use of digital technologies are defined, the principles of forming the legal framework in the field of digital technologies and the main components that ensure competitive advantages and digital sovereignty are formulated. It has been proven that international ethical and legal norms and standards of international organizations should be the institutional platform for the formation of effective state policy mechanisms in the field of regulation of digitalization processes. The developed recommendations can be used by the government and relevant ministries to effectively use the potential of digital technologies to increase the country's competitiveness and digital sovereignty.


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