• Nadiia Smyrnova Separated Structural Subdivision «Kryvyi Rih Professional College of National Aviation University»
Keywords: economic growth, technology transfer, unevenness, factors, innovation


Trends in the development of the world economic system reflect the unevenness and heterogeneity of the formation of the main macroeconomic indicators of individual countries and regions at a given time. This contributes to the division of countries into economies of І, ІІ, ІІІ levels in turn. These differences were formed historically on the basis of natural-geographical, climatic, historical-cultural and socio-cultural factors and determined the emergence of the international division of labor. Using the methods of analogies, system analysis, historical analysis, chronology and synthesis, this article conducted a study to determine the causes of uneven economic development of national economies and search for options to overcome it, respectively. It has been established that natural-geographical, historical-cultural and climatic factors are not dominant in determining the causes of differences in GDP growth at a given time. This is taken into account, but is not decisive, since the economies of most countries are open compared to the middle of the 20th century. The determining factors are such factors as the availability of qualified personnel, the development of the scientific and technical complex and the possibility of external technology transfer, supported by appropriate national policies in the field of scientific, educational and technical development of the country. This approach makes it possible to significantly expand the production capabilities of a single country, as well as partially or completely move some of its production to countries with cheaper labor. An example of such a symbiosis of government policy in the field of science, education, technology and production can be the Chinese economy. But these trends are determined not so much by the presence of prerequisites for their development, but by such socio-cultural factors as the mentality of the population of a particular country. It is this factor, against the background of natural-geographical and historical-cultural features, that comes to the fore when determining the vector of economic development of a particular country.


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How to Cite
Smyrnova, N. (2024). MACROECONOMIC ASPECT OF UNEVENNESS OF ECONOMIC GROWTH. Economic Scope, (189), 41-44.