Keywords: martial law, state, legislation, regulation, tourism, Ukraine, quality


In the context of wartime in Ukraine, due to the facts of existing and potential risks, there is a need to strengthen the role of state regulation, which is also important in relation to the quality of tourism services, which determines the relevance of the chosen research topic. The purpose of the article is to consider and formulate the essence and significance of the State regulation of the quality of tourism services under martial law in Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the study is to systematize the views of researchers on the role and importance of the state regulation system, to determine the features and specifics of state regulation of the quality of tourism services under martial law in Ukraine. The object of the study is the system of state regulation of the quality of tourist services under martial law in Ukraine. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and applied principles for defining and formulating the essence and significance of state regulation of the quality of tourism services under martial law in Ukraine. To cover the topic of the scientific research, the methods of observation and comparison (regarding the period of the Russian aggressor's invasion of the territory of Ukraine before and after the introduction of martial law), synthesis and analysis (to systematize the essence and importance of the system of state regulation of the Ukrainian economy and tourism in particular), statistical methods (for quantitative features and relevant analysis) were used. The author summarizes the arguments regarding the essential importance of the role of the State of Ukraine in regulating the quality of tourism services under martial law. The article systematizes the scientific theoretical, methodological, analytical and applied foundations and the relevant legislative and regulatory framework regarding the importance of the system of state regulation under martial law in Ukraine and the need to identify and take into account the significant factors influencing the development of tourism. It is proved that creating a positive image, gaining competitive positions in the market of tourist services due to high quality and its guarantee at all stages of the life cycle of a tourist product is the way to positioning a business entity as an effective and reliable business partner and a promising leader in the tourist industry. The results of the study may be of interest to tourism professionals, researchers, and students of higher education institutions majoring in tourism.


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