Keywords: strategy, planning, sustainable development, methodology, model, system, territorial community


It was established that the imbalance of territorial and sectoral plans and programs in the implementation of strategies for the development of territorial communities causes insufficient orientation of local self-government to the same goals and tasks defined at the state level. It has been proven that an important issue today is the substantiation of the methodological foundations of the transformation of the existing system of strategic planning of territorial communities with a focus on the implementation of the principles of sustainable development. Thus, solving the tasks of sustainable development of territorial communities should be implemented taking into account the existing ecological and economic imperatives and interrelationships in the "society - environment - business" system. At the same time, in modern conditions, the use of one of the scientific approaches in the strategic planning of the development of territorial communities to achieve goals and comply with the principles of sustainable development is insufficiently effective and efficient. Based on this, the methodological foundations of strategic planning for the sustainable development of territorial communities, which are based on the methodology of integration of system, program-target, process-functional and project approaches, are substantiated. A model of the functioning of the system of strategic planning for the sustainable development of territorial communities is proposed, which includes the main elements: strategic analysis; formulation of goals and priorities; simulation of scenarios; strategy development; strategy implementation mechanism; development and implementation of programs and plans; performance analysis, control and correction. At the same time, the totality of these interrelated stages forms a single system, and the absence of one of the elements affects the effectiveness of strategic planning. The application of the foresight research method when considering various variants of strategies and scenarios for the development of territorial communities is substantiated.


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