• A. Kramarenko Institute of International Relations, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Keywords: competitiveness; innovations, innovative economy, Global Competitiveness Index, national innovation system, digitization of economy


In today's world economy, the innovative aspect is becoming an important factor in improving the country's competitiveness, developing competitive high-tech industries and production volumes. Generalizations have been made that include factors that contribute to a country's economic success in the global environment: a strong national innovation system, the availability of effective internal and institutional mechanisms, as well as external tools to engage countries in a new era of innovative economy. It has been analyzed that in the conditions of existence of the modern economic market - postindustrialization and globalization processes, classical templates of relations in the innovative sphere began to be replaced by global network structures based on international scientific cooperation and the concept of open innovation. This phenomenon of networking has been observed both within companies and at the intergovernmental level, and the main components of innovative interconnections are cluster associations and network structures. Network associations have been proven to be open structures capable of unlimited expansion by including new nodes, provided these nodes are capable of communicating within the network, meaning that they have similar values or production objectives. The emergence of new forms of global regulation that can replace the forms and methods of national and public administration in the economy are closely linked to the tendency to internationalize economic innovation processes. The components of the global innovation network have been analyzed, such as subsystems - innovation, supply, investment and commercial. The typology of innovative networks has been considered and it has been proved that the two-component environment is a special factor for the effective functioning of innovative networks. The classification of elements of global innovation networks is analyzed and the key components of global innovation networks are analyzed. The innovative network was considered as a set of interconnected institutions and it was found that in this case the center of the network is the institutions that produce, enhance and adapt new technologies and new knowledge.


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