Keywords: format of goals and objectives, format of strategy, format of tactical actions, resource allocation, monitoring, and evaluation, communication and interaction


Collaboration (or cooperation) between business entities is an essential element of business strategy and tactics, as the synergistic effects synthesized by this phenomenon can manifest themselves in increased competitiveness of business entities, the development of their innovation, the reduction of operational risks, and in other areas. The above provisions emphasize the overall significance of research on the strategy and tactics of collaboration among business entities. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify the characteristics of forming a strategy and tactics for collaboration among business entities through clustering and other forms of joint activities. Based on the study of the characteristics of forming the strategy and tactics of collaboration among business entities, particularly in the form of clusters and other joint activities, several conclusions have been drawn. It has been noted that while collaboration among business entities can take various forms, the format of the strategy and tactics of collaboration among business entities remains unchanged. It has been demonstrated that there are classical elements of collaboration strategy and tactics, which include: the circle of collaboration participants, the format of goals and objectives, the format of strategy, the format of tactical actions, the format of resource allocation and responsibilities, the format of monitoring and evaluation, the format of communication and interaction, and the format of analysis and correction of collaboration strategy and tactics. Each of the outlined elements, while having a common essence, takes on individual content that depends on the form of collaboration. It has been observed that the better the classical elements of strategy and tactics align with the form of collaboration, the greater the mutual benefit and synergy. Under these conditions, collaboration allows participants in joint activities to achieve maximum mutual benefit and a synergistic effect that exceeds individual achievements. For example, in clusters, various business entities can jointly utilize resources and knowledge for the collaborative development of innovative products. The research results allow for an exploration of the Ukrainian context of business entity collaboration in the direction of clustering and other joint activities.


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, M., Belous, K., & Krysyuk, L. (2023). STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF BUSINESS COLLABORATION: CLUSTERING AND OTHER JOINT ACTIVITIES. Economic Scope, (187), 55-61.