Keywords: consumer behavior, price, marketing pricing, pricing strategy, consumer behavior model


The essence of the concept of "consumer behavior" has been studied. Factors influencing it have been identified, including personal preferences, needs, values, and external influences such as advertising, marketing activities, and social factors. Such groups of influencing factors on consumer behavior are characterized, such as: demographic characteristics, psychological factors, social factors, marketing factors (including marketing pricing). Their role in the formation of the purchase decision is determined. The place of marketing pricing in the model of consumer behavior is presented, which provides an understanding of how and why decisions are made to purchase goods or services, how consumers react to various marketing techniques, and which of them the company can apply. Thanks to their use, a better understanding of the behavior of consumers in choosing and purchasing products is achieved, and hence, more effective use of marketing tools. It is noted that a seller who understands the mechanisms of irrational consumer behavior can present goods in such a way as to convince the buyer to give them a higher rating. Four directions of research into irrational consumer behavior are characterized: perception of percentage differences, perception of unrounded endings, influence of relative prices, influence of perception. Management of consumer behavior taking into account marketing pricing includes the use of pricing strategies and tactics to influence consumer decisions about purchasing goods or services. The authors characterized some of these approaches, in particular, price differentiation, price-quality strategy, price leadership strategy, promotions and discounts, free offers, dynamic pricing. It is noted that the buyer's perception of the product price directly affects the sales efficiency and the seller's profitability. Therefore, the marketing department of any firm must be able to predict and model the possible reaction of the consumer to the chosen price strategy, as well as take into account as many psychological factors as possible during its development. Methods of managing consumer behavior based on marketing pricing are highlighted.


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How to Cite
Diadyk, T., Danylenko, V., & Reshetnikova, O. (2023). CONSUMER BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT ON THE BASIS OF MARKETING PRICING. Economic Scope, (186), 35-39.