Keywords: environment of business information, communication, information product, copywriting, infobusiness, advertisement appeal


Creation of necessary conditions for operating economy and her basic subjects - commodity producers and consumers are required by creations of adequate environment of business information. This environment must provide informative support of activity of subjects at all stages of production and consumption, such types of information necessary to the businessman are examined in that, as information about other producers, about potential consumers, about more advantageous suppliers of raw material, accessories and technologies, about prices. Such semantic loading is carried by an advertisement as open notification by the firm of potential customers, consumers of commodities and services about their quality, dignities, advantages, and also about the merits of firm. In the article a review and analysis feature serve advertisement appeal are done in the conditions of existent infrastructure and comparatively new type of activity - copywriting. As a result of systematization and analysis of information it is got to this direction, that a main feature of copywriting is an economy of time of producer and consumer for a decision-making about development or displacing of communications with one or another partners on economic activity, and also about modification of the already produced products or mastering of new for a survival in the conditions of strengthening competition. It is certain that the important task of forming and development of informative infrastructure is creation of favourable terms of access of businessman to business information through the environment of her appeal – infobusiness.


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How to Cite
Lantukh, O., Tymchenko, K., & Verteletska, O. (2022). PROBLEMS OF FORMING AN ADVERTISING MESSAGE IN THE INFOBUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Economic Scope, (182), 88-92.