• G. Razumova Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: methodology, development, regulatory policy, management, changes, national economy


Regulatory policy takes an important role in the development of the national economy of the country. At the same time, development is inevitably linked to the regular changes that must be targeted to solve certain problems in the national economy. In such circumstances, successful management of changes in the regulatory development policy of the national economy requires an understanding of its methodology and structural elements. The conducted research has shown that the process of managing regulatory change requires further improvement aimed at creating a coherent system with clearly specified characteristics, structure and implementation process. The purpose of the article is to improve the architectonics of the changes management methodology in the regulatory policy of national economy development. The basic approaches to the definition of the methodology and the essence of its components have been considered. It has been determined that the changes management methodology in the regulatory policy of national economy development should have a complex architectonics. It has been stated that changes in regulatory policy should be justified, which is possible with the combination of several approaches. It has been proven that changes management has to comply with certain principles, the most important of which are: the principle of expediency and the principle of commitment. The main stages of the formation and implementation of the regulatory policy have been identified and the criterion for their definition has been proposed. It has been determined that the main stages of regulatory policy are agonizing, reforming, institutional and modernization, which are distinguished by the criterion of changes in regulatory policy (the sustainability of the regulatory process). The architectonics of the changes management methodology in the regulatory policy of the national economy has been improved in this research, which, unlike others, can be represented as a multifunctional entity with complex architectonics, which includes linguistic, praxeological, institutional, communicative reflexive subsystems and provide a system with well-defined characteristics, logical structure and implementation process.


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