Keywords: martial law, entrepreneurship, state regulation, war economy, inflation, GDP


Military actions on the territory of Ukraine led to a significant transformation of the domestic economy, which led to its significant slowdown and a decrease in the business activity of business entities. Regarding the economic consequences of the protracted military conflict, the direct losses of the economy from the damage and destruction of Ukraine's infrastructure are already measured at more than a hundred billion dollars. The most affected are residential construction, roads and airports, assets of industrial enterprises, the infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex, and the transport industry. As a result of globalization processes, military conflicts in certain regions can lead to significant changes not only in the economy of an individual country, but also in a significant number of other economic systems. However, special attention needs to be paid to the study of the main trends of the wartime economy, under the influence of which modern entrepreneurship is carried out in Ukraine and the determination of the key directions of its further development. Domestic business in the conditions of a modern war economy requires active state intervention, therefore direct regulation is an important tool of state support for business in conditions of war. Government agencies should provide the private sector with both financial and expert and consulting assistance. The search for grant funds from foreign countries is relevant, because the possibilities of state financing are limited, and the priority of budget expenditures is the issue of ensuring the country's defense capability. Also important issues for domestic entrepreneurship in the conditions of martial law are the restoration of supply chains, sales and the search for foreign partners, which will allow the restoration of production and operational processes in the near future.


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How to Cite
Levchynskyi, D., Stupniker, H., Kashyrnikova, I., & Zozulia, N. (2022). ENTREPRENEURSHIP OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF MARTIAL LAWS. Economic Scope, (181), 110-114. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/181-19