Keywords: strategic planning, innovation ecosystem, new industry, high-tech production, industrial policy, post-war development


The article studies the role and approaches to strategizing the post-war development of innovative activities in the industrial sector. It was determined that the emergence of new industries that supply innovative high-tech products is an integral part of the qualitative technological restructuring of the national industry, which is able to lead the Ukrainian economy in the post-war period along the vector of long-term economic growth. The experience of developed countries, which due to differences in approaches to supporting the innovative activities (highly coordinated – in Germany and low-coordinated – in Great Britain and the USA) and the characteristics of the institutional environment, had uneven success in creating strategic industries, was considered. The inflexibility of labor relations and the active promotion of the development of the local innovation ecosystem along with the implementation of a number of large-scale programs such as "BioRegio" allowed Germany to strengthen the position of innovative entrepreneurship in the field of biotechnology over time. In Great Britain, the biotechnological industry, due to the lack of government regulation and support for start-ups, has deteriorated its position on the world market. Developing countries, Brazil and China, demonstrate the need to implement a comprehensive strategy for growing new industries. Partial solutions and insufficient incentives in Brazil have become the reason for inhibiting the development of high-tech goods markets. And thorough planning in China gradually pushes new industries in their innovative development. Recommendations have been developed for the formation of tasks and the use of separate tools for strategic planning of the post-war recovery and industrial sector restructuring in Ukraine. They include strategizing the development of new industries during military operations, the introduction of technological innovations, state innovative procurement of domestic defense and civil developments, international production cooperation with partners from the main markets – the EU, the Middle East, the USA, Asia, and the use of a number of state industrial policy instruments to stimulate the scaling up of production and exports of new industries, as well as attracting investments and highly qualified personnel.


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