• Y. Shvets Zaporizhzhia National University
  • A. Onipko Zaporizhzhia National University
Keywords: sustainability of development, socio-economic development of an enterprise, factors of sustainability, efficiency, production, control, analysis


The article is devoted to the study of the main aspects of the sustainability of enterprise development. The present state and conditions of functioning of economic entities have been investigated. The definition of the concept "stability of development" has been considered and generalized, its main characteristic features and features of application of a category in management practice are resulted. The influence of the enterprise's relations with other economic entities in various spheres of activity on the stability of its development has been determined. The preconditions for improving the methodological principles for assessing the level of economic sustainability of enterprises are considered. A critical analysis of modern methodological approaches to establishing the level of economic stability of industrial enterprises is carried out and the system of interconnections between them is established. The factors of sustainable development in the enterprise are analyzed. The existence of a link between the categories "stability" and "development of the enterprise" was established and the expediency of management of development from the point of view of providing stability of the enterprise was substantiated. The influence of internal and external factors on the stability of development of industrial enterprises is revealed. The necessity of analysis and estimation of sustainability of the enterprise development from the socio-economic position is substantiated. The estimation of components of economic stability of the subject of economic activity is carried out taking into account the current trends of the development of the national socio-economic environment. The connection between the concepts of "socio-economic stability" and "personnel resilience" is revealed. The general condition of the labor market, data on the provision of personnel of enterprises and the number of employed and unemployed able-bodied population are analyzed. The average number of full-time employees is analyzed. Considerable indicators of the labor market are considered. The necessity and economic expediency of improvement of the personnel policy system at industrial enterprises is substantiated. Generalized and systematized problem aspects of personnel potential at industrial enterprises. The mechanism of maintenance and support of economic sustainability of the enterprise has been improved, prospects of further research are outlined. The ways of improvement of the general level of stability of development of industrial enterprises are revealed.


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How to Cite
Shvets, Y., & Onipko, A. (2019). THE INFLUENCE OF THE SOCIAL COMPLEX ON THE DEFENSE OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (145), 195-207. Retrieved from