Keywords: IFRS, fixed assets, Tax Code of Ukraine, income tax, teaching method, accounting, taxation


The global scope of application of IFRS and their use in Ukraine continues to expand. On the one hand, enterprises enter the platform of international business and increase their international investments. As a result, the number of business entities that apply IFRS for accounting and reporting on the results of their economic activity is increasing. The possibility for Ukrainian enterprises to keep accounting records according to international standards necessitates the training of accountants - specialists in the use of IFRS, as well as the formation of accounting policies of business entities in accordance with international standards. Objects of fixed assets represent a significant part of the property of almost every enterprise. The cost of such objects is usually quite significant, but the business entity has the right to include to it in the composition of costs that are taken into account when calculating the object of taxation only in part of the accrued depreciation, therefore, the value of the object of fixed assets that is being depreciated is gradually transferred, at the expense of the enterprise. The fixed assets of the business entity are diverse in their composition and purpose. A group of fixed assets is defined as a collection of non-current material assets of the same type in terms of technical characteristics, purpose and terms of use. The basis of effective organization of fixed assets’ accounting is compliance with the principle of their classification. The current version of the Tax Code of Ukraine contains rules according to which, for the purposes of determining the object of taxation with income tax, the original (revalued) value of fixed assets cannot be increased by the amount of the company's expenses related to the repair or improvement of fixed assets. Along with this, the original (revalued) value of fixed assets for similar purposes cannot be increased by the amount of indexation. The specified changes to the Tax Code were taken into account in the latest version of the Methodological recommendations for accounting for fixed assets. IFRS provide for the reflection in the company's accounting system of reclassified fixed assets at fair value, taking into account that these assets are intended for sale, and if their fair value equals the book value, then the financial results will not be adjusted. Fixed assets play an important role in the production process, as they are repeatedly used by the economic entity as means of labor, and their value is gradually transferred to the cost of products, works and services. In this regard, rational accounting and taxation of operations with fixed assets is important and necessary, especially in the conditions of modern challenges.


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