Keywords: online event, event marketing, consumer behavior, online communications, consumer, online market


The article notes that in recent years there has been a rapid development of Internet technologies, which play an important role in the development of marketing activities of food industry enterprises. It is found that today there are a number of main reasons (globalization of the economy, the global Covid-19 pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014-20...) that force enterprises to form marketing communications on the Internet. In this regard, food industry enterprises use various marketing tools to influence consumers, including event marketing, in order to maintain a competitive position in the online market. Despite the significant contribution of scientists and practitioners to the consideration of the theoretical and practical foundations of the study of online events, the issues of organizing and conducting online events in the food industry in order to influence the behavior of food consumers remain insufficiently considered. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the technologies of organizing and conducting online events, as well as to identify their impact on consumer attitudes towards food brands. In the course of the theoretical study, the elements of creating online events are identified and their impact on consumer behavior is described. It was found out through the Google search engine whether online events are held by organizations and enterprises of the food industry, and what online food and beverage conferences are planned in the near future. The practical research was conducted in order to find out the range of emotional experiences of the participants of the webinar "Coca-Cola production in Ukraine: what, where, when and how?", which was conducted by IP "Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Limited" within the framework of "NUFT Career Chance 2021". It has been found that it is advisable for food brands to use a variety of online activities required by the present, as part of the development of event marketing at the enterprise, in order to attract consumers to the development of brands, influencing the emotional states of consumers, as well as to create and increase brand loyalty. The study of the creation of brand naming of food industry enterprises and the impact of these names on the emotional state of consumers and customer loyalty - this is the issue that will be the focus of further research.


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How to Cite
Kapinus, L. (2022). EVENT MARKETING IN THE ONLINE MARKET AS A TOOL TO INFLUENCE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Economic Scope, (180), 128-133. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/180-20