Keywords: challenges of globalization, commercial diplomacy, international politics, economic diplomacy, environmental risks


The challenges and threats of globalization affect the environment for the development of international economic relations, determine new forms of cooperation between countries, increasing resource capacity and competitive relations. This process takes place against the background of the dynamics of economization and greening of diplomacy as an important tool of international politics. The range of functions of diplomacy is constantly expanding in order to represent, defend and protect the interests of countries in the international arena. Economic diplomacy, commercial diplomacy and trade diplomacy have their own functional features and "points of contact", so their identification is illegal. Commercial diplomacy is included in the mechanisms of perception of national business, exporters, foreign investment and response to economic risks and environmental threats. The functioning of business ecosystems is relevant, in which diplomacy is the basis of contacts with logistics companies, chambers of commerce, industry associations, unions of entrepreneurs and industrialists, technology suppliers, banking institutions and other participants. But the subjects of commercial diplomacy face new challenges as a result of the pandemic, the slowdown in the world economy, the emergence of "commodity shocks", "volatile prices", "debt crises". Diplomacy should be included in the process of actively involving business and trade companies in the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in order to improve social, environmental and economic development. It has been identified that globalization, modernization, informatization and democratization have contributed to an increase in the number of professional, alternative and independent subjects of commercial diplomacy. Whereas, the postmodern vector of economic diplomacy manifests itself through: the formation of a new architecture of negotiation management in the global economy; setting standards at the multilateral level of organizations; management of stakeholder coalitions and alliances; formation of a new level of social, economic and environmental policy of society.


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How to Cite
Bokhan , A. (2022). COMMERCIAL DIPLOMACY IN GLOBALIZATION TRENDS. Economic Scope, (179), 19-24.