• U. Andrusiv Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: innovative development, system of indexes, methodical approach, estimation of level of innovative development, integral indicator, coefficient of economic growth, matrix positioning


The article is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological foundations and the development of practical recommendations and methodological approaches to assessing the level of innovative development of iron ore enterprises. In the period of modern large-scale transformations of the national economy of Ukraine, the issues of qualitative, efficient and effective management and evaluation of the level of innovative development are very important for iron ore enterprises. In order to increase competitiveness and market leadership, iron ore enterprises must work towards improving the efficiency of economic management through innovative technologies. In order to study the level of innovation development of iron ore enterprises, a methodological approach has been proposed, which envisages five blocks: 1) methodological approach (defining the purpose and formation of indicators characterizing the priority development goals of the enterprise and the main functional aspects of the activity); 2) information; 3) estimated; 4) evaluation (calculation of the integral indicator, which reflects the level of innovative development of the enterprise); 5) interpretation of results (the scale of estimation of values of the integral indicator is substantiated). A system of indicators has been developed based on the concept of sustainable development, which allowed them to be implemented in three levels. The first group includes indicators that characterize the main functional aspects of enterprise activity by environmental, economic and social blocks; at the second level indicators are presented that comprehensively characterize the innovative development of the enterprise by the selected blocks; at the third level - an integral indicator that reflects the level of innovative development of iron ore enterprises as a result of the development of all functional areas of activity. A methodological approach to assessing the level of innovation development of iron ore enterprises has been proposed, as well as an approach to the positioning of enterprises by the level of innovative development and economic growth, which allowed to establish crisis, unfavorable and favorable zones of enterprise functioning.


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