• Victoriia Voronina Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Daryna Bondarenko Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Viktor Zavhorodnii Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: hierarchical ranking, innovations, innovative development, integrated rating, competition, competitive advantage, competitiveness, strategies, management


The formation of competitive advantages of enterprises on the basis of innovations is the main prerequisite for ensuring the efficiency of their activities, the direction of overcoming crisis situations in which a significant number of Ukrainian business entities in various industries and forms of ownership are. At the same time, the solution of this problem should be considered from the standpoint of improving the theory and methodology of forming competitive advantages in the context of the use of innovations. From a scientific point of view, within a particular subject area, the issue of competitive advantage of enterprises is unresolved, thus determining the relevance of the research topic. The purpose of this study is to study and systematize the theoretical and methodological aspects of competitive advantages taking into account the innovation component, as well as a description of the method of building an integrated rating of large Ukrainian companies based on hierarchical ranking procedure to determine their competitiveness. The methodological basis was made by general scientific theoretical methods: generalization, explanation, grouping – for the study of the conceptual apparatus; statistical – for a comprehensive economic assessment of the current state of competitive advantages of the largest companies in the leading sectors of the economy of Ukraine; methods of system analysis and synthesis, economic and mathematical and expert methods of analysis of competitive advantages, methods of abstraction and visualization (for visual demonstration of research results and analytical data). The integrated rating proposed in the work allows to estimate the level of competitiveness of companies compared to previous periods and to draw a conclusion about the feasibility of investment. The authors recommend using the presented tools in developing a competitive strategy of the enterprise. The next step in the study is to analyze the sequence of use of competitive advantages of the enterprise. Thus, competition can be seen as a dynamic process in which companies are forced to use new technologies, attract investment, adapt to ever-changing market conditions.


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How to Cite
Voronina, V., Bondarenko, D., & Zavhorodnii, V. (2022). FORMING THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE COMPANY BY DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. Economic Scope, (178), 31-37.