Keywords: information, information sphere, information security, national security, threat, state, national information security


In today's world it is difficult to imagine a person who would be deprived of access to information resources, because informatization has penetrated into all spheres of public life, is one of the factors of effective socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of everyone in the future. Along with development, the information sphere also has a threat, which is a key element in the hybrid war against Ukraine, the real threat of which is not only inciting citizens, but also creating real threats to national security throughout the country. The next decades for all countries of the world will be conditioned by specific tests and development of information and communication technologies. Each country has its own laws, customs, traditions, norms of behavior and ideological values. Therefore, one of the main tasks among people, organizations and throughout the country is the protection of national security and protection of the information space is the basis for ensuring information security. Faster formation of an informatized society, its spread and rooting becomes especially important in solving information security problems. Unlike other spheres of life, information does not exist for the purpose of potential earnings, as the sphere needs significant investments to protect institutions from losses associated with the leakage of information resources. Given all the factors - threats to information security are quite common, due to the fact that criminals find vulnerabilities that can damage information resources. Citizens' mobility is daily, but not all users care about the protection of personal data, their safety and inviolability. Scientists from around the world have studied existing threats, but not everyone has been able to make a clear division of threats and their prevention, which is why the chosen research topic is relevant and needs detailed study and practical solutions. The development and implementation of practical measures to combat information security threats is possible through the constant interaction of all subjects of information interaction with public authorities, as discussed in the article. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current threats to information security of the state in the context of ensuring the national security of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Dykyi, A., Naumchuk, K., & Trosteniuk, T. (2021). ANALYSIS OF CURRENT THREATS TO THE INFORMATION SECURITY OF THE STATE. Economic Scope, (176), 155-158.