Keywords: vulnerable, categories of population, Lviv region, people with disabilities, retired people, retirement benefits


The article studies the number of vulnerable segments of population. It is determined that the highest number of people with disabilities was marked in 2020 – 213.8 thousand people, whereas the smallest – in 2010, i.e. 176.7 thousand people. Increase of the number of people with disabilities consequently causes growth of the number of them per 1000 people of population. In the studied period, an annual growth of the index by 22.9% was marked. The author supplies expected indices of the growth of the number of retired people in Lviv region, forecast of the index of growth of the number of people with disabilities by using a linear model for four future periods; expected indices of increase of the average monthly retirement benefits. The research also examines a change of the number of healthcare establishments in Lviv region in 2013-2020. It is determined that in 2013-2020, hospital accommodation reduced by 24.1%, medical outpatient-polyclinic establishments – by 12.2%, and medical and obstetric centres – by 34.2%. The author of the work studied dynamics of the residential fund of Lviv region in 2013-2020 and determined that the fastest rate of growth of the volume of residential fund was marked in urban territory (by 20.6%). To reduce the negative impact of the factors on the most socially vulnerable categories of population, the state should maximize its efforts to provide conditions for a higher labour payment; to organize an effective system of social and economic defense of employees; to strengthen the targeted social support and primarily support of the vulnerable groups of population; to provide interest-free loans for vulnerable segments of population; to maximum provide housing for orphans after achieving the adulthood age; to educate social responsibility. The goal of the article is to prove the necessity of the social infrastructure development to reduce the social vulnerability of the Carpathian area population. In the process of the article writing, the author used a set of general scientific and specific methods of research. The graphical method was used to make visual presentation and to shape expected indices of growth of the number of retires people in Lviv region, increase of the number of people with disabilities by using a linear model and indices of growth of the average size of monthly retirement benefits. To make theoretical consolidation and conclusions, the abstract and logical method was used.


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