Keywords: risk, business risk, uncertainty, consequences, key areas of activity, types of risks


The activities of any business are always associated with various risky events. Today, risk management is an integral part of the enterprise management system. Identification, analysis, evaluation and accounting of risk factors in accordance with changes in the external environment are necessary for making sound management decisions. The formation of the basis of modern managerial thinking, able to meet the requirements of the new economy, is possible on the basis of a study of the conceptual apparatus in the field of risk management theory. Based on the analysis of different views on the nature of risk of representatives of different risk theories, we have identified three such conditional research groups: supporters of classical or neoclassical risk theory; a group of scientists who determine the nature of risk based on the subject of research; representatives who support an integrated approach to defining the essence of the category “risk”, based on the essence of the phenomenon of risk and its complex nature. In the course of the research the logical-semantic field of the category “risk” is constructed, on the basis of which associative terms are determined, which allow to determine the possible semantic space of multifaceted interpretation. Based on the generalization of theoretical aspects, it is argued that there are two main approaches to the interpretation of the category “risk” in modern science, such as process (risk as the activity of enterprises in uncertainty) and object (result resulting from risk events). The author’s definition of the essence of the category “risk” is proposed, which is based on an integrated approach, according to which risk is an objective-subjective category that characterizes uncertainty in the modern economic space due to business environment factors that have both direct and indirect impact on the activities of the enterprise. The practical value of the article is to identify the key areas of activity of the trading company that are most sensitive to risks, and to identify the main types of risks, such as information and DG risks; resource; organizational; commodity; price; sales; logistical, distributive; risks of marketing communications; HR risks.


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How to Cite
Grosul, V., & Usova, M. (2021). RISK: ESSENCE, CAUSES AND MAIN TYPES. Economic Scope, (176), 58-64. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/176-9