• S. Maschenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • N. Zaharchenko Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
  • О. Verteletska Prydniprovska state academy of civil engineering and architecture
Keywords: autsourcing, autsourcing services, financial autsourcing, market autsourcing services, international market


The paper analyzes the basic types of autsourcing. It is defined, that most companies on the modern stage pay attention to ІТ- autsourcing and autsourcing of business-projects. It is proven the dynamics of world autsourcing services market. It is defined, that the autsourcing services market had a tendency to the increase at the beginning from 2000th but from 2014 they have insignificant decline. It is distinguished the leading countries that specialized at autsourcing operations, such like the USA, Canada, Peru, Mexico, France, Great Britain and India. The financial autsourcing and its basic kinds are distinguished. The dynamics development of financial autsourcing is analyzed. It is defined, that at the beginning from 2014 he has insignificant reduction. It has been concluded that it is related to completion of term of large autsourcing contracts in leading countries. At the market of financial autsourcing two basic segments are economic America region and economic Europe region are allocated. It has been aduced that in these two segments the value of commercial financial autsourcing contracts has a tendency to increase. It has been adeced that it is related with the appearance of new countries which to become a familiar with to the spheres of financial autsourcing and grant of financial autsourcing services. The market of autsourcing services is analysed. It is educed that the sphere of financial autsourcing is not widespread and needs developing at the territory of our country.


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How to Cite
Maschenko, S., Zaharchenko, N., & VerteletskaО. (2019). INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL AUTSOURCING AND ITS DEVELOPMENT GLOBAL TRENDS. Economic Scope, (141), 100-112. Retrieved from