• Yulia Orlovska Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Stanislav Synytskyi Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: pulp and paper products, global transformations, world markets, competitiveness, pulp and paper industry


The peculiarities of the development of the world pulp and paper industry have been considered in this study. The types of products are described and the traditional type of production process within the industry has been characterized. The main exporters of pulp and paper products in the world have been identified. The dynamics of production indicators for printing paper, pulp, chemical wood pulp, cardboard, coated paper in the world market has been analyzed. A review of the pulp and paper industry of Ukraine was carried out on the basis of indicators of export and import of pulp from wood or other fibrous materials, export-import balance, sales of pulp, paper and cardboard in domestic and foreign markets. The current trend in the dynamics of export-import balance in the bulk trade of wood or other fibrous pulp for the period 2016-2020 indicates a significant predominance of imports over exports, which can be attributed to the lack of positive developments in the segment of deep wood processing in the forest sector. The key factors of modern transformations of the world market of pulp and paper products are stated: the growing demand for viscose pulp products used in the manufacture of new types of plastics; growing demand for recycled paper in the context of environmental friendliness of the material; growth in demand for sanitary and hygienic types of paper, which is associated with the growth of income and population on a global scale; growing demand for packaging paper and cardboard as an ecological type of packaging material; falling demand for all types of sulfite cellulose due to the negative impact on the environment; falling demand for all types of writing paper due to the technological revolution and changes in the format of data storage as a result of digitalization processes. The global pandemic COVID-2019, the processes of digitalization and human development on the basis of the concept of sustainable development have been considered as the main drivers of transformation processes in the industry. The main priorities of development of enterprises of pulp and paper products in the conditions of modern transformations for the purpose of increase of the international competitiveness of industrial centers on the world arena have been specified.


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How to Cite
Orlovska, Y., & Synytskyi, S. (2020). MODERN TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE WORLD MARKET OF PULP AND PAPER PRODUCTS. Economic Scope, (163), 41-45.