Keywords: brand marketing, consumers, social networks, influence, strategy, brand development


Brand marketing is a key element of a modern business strategy that is constantly being improved. It is aimed at increasing brand awareness and influencing the company's potential customers, their choice and their perception of a product or service. The presented topic is relevant because during the active competition in the market, companies, thanks to brand marketing, and, accordingly, business strategies, are looking for new successful ways to attract potential customers who will become permanent in the future. The purpose of this study is to study, analyze and determine the effectiveness of brand marketing on potential customers in a competitive environment. The research method uses the analysis and comparison of the presented business strategies of brand marketing, which uses the collection and processing of feedback, impressions and reactions of customers to the marketing campaigns of the enterprise, namely: popular social networks, e-mail, websites, etc. The results of our marketing research indicate a significant impact of brand marketing on potential customers. Increased customer loyalty, sales growth, and a significant increase in the company's profitability are all signs of a premium, distinctive, high-quality brand and its positioning in the market. The practical value of this article is that it provides all available and important information on the proper application of brand marketing for the successful achievement of the company's marketing goals to find and retain potential customers. Marketing research notes and draws attention to brand awareness, enhancing its image and credibility, which is trusted by potential buyers. An additional aspect is that the company regularly participates in various marketing events and competitions that are also aimed at increasing brand awareness. It is worth emphasizing that brand marketing is an important part of a modern business strategy aimed at increasing the company's brand awareness and influence on potential consumers through marketing campaigns. Also, it is worth noting that the practical value lies in understanding the importance of investing in the development and continuous improvement of the company, improving and maintaining it for greater brand awareness, to capture market leadership positions. Marketing research recognizes and pays attention to brand awareness, enhancing its image and credibility, which is trusted by potential buyers. An additional aspect is that the company regularly participates in various marketing events and competitions that are also aimed at increasing brand awareness. Thus, it is worth emphasizing that brand marketing is an important part of a modern business strategy aimed at increasing the company's brand awareness and influence on potential consumers through marketing campaigns.


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How to Cite
Hromova, O. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF BRAND MARKETING ON CONSUMERS. Economic Scope, (190), 372-375.