Ключові слова: менеджмент, підприємства готельно-ресторанного господарства, менеджмент маркетингових комунікацій, споживач послуг, управління маркетингом


Метою статті було з’ясування дефініції сутності менеджменту маркетингових комунікацій на підприємствах готельно-ресторанного господарства. Запропонована мета була досягнута шляхом вивчення та систематизації наукових здобутків дослідників щодо ефективного управління комунікаційним процесом із клієнтами шляхом раціонального використання маркетингових комунікацій на підприємствах готельно-ресторанного господарства. Управління маркетинговими комунікаціями на підприємствах готельно-ресторанного господарства часто зосереджуються на взаємозв'язку між різними маркетинговими заходами та різними аспектами взаємовідносин з клієнтами. У статті сформульовано висновки та запропонований напрям подальших досліджень. Результати дослідження сприяють розумінню взаємовідносин між споживачем і підприємством готельно-ресторанного господарства, створюють основу для управління маркетингом.


Bolton R. N., Lemon K. N., Verhoef P. C. The theoretical underpinnings of customer asset management: a framework and propositions for future research. Journal Academic Market Science. 2004. № 32 (3). P. 271–292.

Rust R.T., Lemon K.N., Zeithaml V.A. Return on marketing: using customer equity to focus marketing strategy. JournalMarket. 2004. №68. P.109-127.

Vogt C. A. Customer relationship management in tourism: management needs and research applications. Journal Travel Researches. 2011. №50. P.356–364.

Josiassen A., Assaf A., Cvelbar L. CRM and the bottom line: do all CRM dimensions affect firm performance. IJHM. 2014. № 36 (1). P. 130–136.

Palmatier R.W., Jarvis C.B., Bechkoff J.R., Kardes F.R. The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing. JournalMarket. 2009. №73(5). P.1-18.

Payne A., Frow P. A strategic framework for customer relationship management. Journal Market. 2005. № 69. Р. 167–176.

Zineldin M., Philipson S. Kotler Borden are not dead: myth ofrelationship marketing and truth of the 4P’s. Journal Consumer Market. 2007. №24. P.229-241.

Fakih K., Assaker G., Assaf A.G., Hallak R. Does restaurant menu information affect customer attitudes and behavioral intentions: across-segment empirical analysis using PLS-SEM. IJHM. 2016. № 57. Р. 71–83.

Kang J., Hyun S. Effective communication styles for the customer-oriented service employee: inducing dedicational behaviors in luxury restaurant patrons. IJHM. 2012. №31 (3). P. 772–785.

Kim W., Ok C., Gwinner K.P. The antecedent role of customer-to-employee relationships in the development of customer-to-firm relationships. Servers Industrial Journal. 2010. № 30 (7). P.1139–1157.

Yoo M., Bai B. Customer loyalty marketing research: a comparative approach between hospitality and business journals. IJHM. 2013. № 33. Р. 166-177.

Barros C., Assaf A.G. Analyzing tourism return intention to an urban destination. Journal Hospitality Tourism Research. 2012. № 36 (2). Р. 216–231.

Berezen O., Raab C., Yoo M., Love C. Sustainable hotel practices: the impact on guest satisfaction and intention to return. IJHM. 2013. № 34. Р. 227–233.

Dwyer L., Pham T., Forsyth P., Spurr R. Destination marketing of Australia: return on investment. Journal Travel Research. 2014. №53(3). Р.281-295.

Hanssens D.M., Pauwels K.H. Demonstrating the value of marketing. Journal Market. 2016. № 80. Р. 173–190.

Kim B.Y., Oh H., Gregoire M. Effects of firms’ relationship oriented behaviors on financial performance: a case of the restaurant industry. Journal Hospitality Tourism Research. 2006. № 30 (1). Р. 50–75.

Line N.D., Runyan R.C. Hospitality marketing research: recent trends and future directions. IJHM. 2012. № 34. Р. 477–488.

Han S.H., Nguyen B., Lee T.J. Consumer-based chain restaurant brand equity, brand reputation, and brand trust. IJHM. 2015. №50. Р. 84–93.

Kalaman O. B., Purtskhvanidze O. V., Levchuk Y. S. Methodology formation of enterprise financial strategy basis on existing models analysis. Економіка харчової промисловості. 2020. № 3. Т. 12. С. 33-41.

Cantallops A.S., Salvi F. New consumer behavior: a review of research one WOM and hotels. IJHM. 2014. №36. Р. 41–51.

Dolnicar S., Coltman T., Sharma R. Do satisfied tourists really intend to come back? Three concerns with empirical studies of the link between satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal Travel Research. 2015. № 54. Р. 152–178.

Qiu H., Ye B.H., Bai, B., Wang, W.H. Do the roles of switching barriers on customer loyalty vary for different types of hotels? IJHM. 2015. № 46. Р. 89–98.

Park J.Y., Jang S.S. Why do customers switch? More satiated or less satisfied. International Journal Hospitality Management. 2014. № 37. P. 159–170.

Perdue R.R. Perishability, yield management and cross product elasticity. Journal Travel Research. 2002. №41 (1). P. 15–22.

Каламан О.Б., Скрібанс В. Мандрикін Д. В. Методологія формування показників ефективності стратегічних управлінських рішень на промислових підприємствах. Економічні інновації. 2021. Т.23. Вип.2 (79). С. 87-96.

Berger P.D., Eechambadi N., George M., Lehmann D.R., Rizley R., Venkatesan R., From customer lifetime value to shareholder value: theory, empirical evidence, and issues for future research. Journal Service Research. 2006. № 9 (2). P. 156–167.

Thomas A. A methodology for linking customer acquisition to customer retention. Journal Marketing Research. 2001. № 38 (2). P. 262–268.

Stahl F., Heitmann M., Lehmann D.R., Neslin S.A. The impact of brand equity on customer acquisition, retention, and profit margin. Journal Marketing. 2012. № 76 (4). P. 44–63.

Lewis M. Customer acquisition promotions and customer asset value. Journal Marketing Research. 2006. № 43 (2). P. 195–203.

Anderson E., Simester D. Long run effects of promotion depth on new versus established customers: three field studies. Marketing Science. 2004. № 23 (1). P. 4–20.

Cantallops A.S., Salvi F. New consumer behavior: a review of research one WOM and hotels. IJHM. 2014. № 36. P. 41–51.

Sun B., Li S. Learning and acting on customer information: as imulation-based demonstration on service allocations with offshore centers. Journal Marketing Research. 2011. № 48 (1). P. 72–86.

Reinartz W., Kumar V. On the profitability of long life customers in anon-contractual setting: an empirical investigation and implications for marketing. Journal Marketing. 2000. № 64 (4). P. 17–35.

Dolnicar S., Coltman T., Sharma R. Do satisfied tourists really intend to come back? Three concerns with empirical studies of the link between satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal Travel Research. 2015. № 54. P. 152–178.

Gregori N., Daniele R., Altinay L. Affiliate marketing in tourism: determinants of consumer trust. Journal Travel Research. 2014. № 53. P. 196-210.

Williams P., Khan M.S., Naumann E. Customer dissatisfaction and defection: the hidden costs of downsizing. Industrial Marketing Management. 2011. № 40 (3). P. 405–413.

Bolton R. N., Lemon K. N., Verhoef P. C. (2004) The theoretical underpinnings of customer asset management: a framework and propositions for future research. Journal Academic Market Science, no. 32 (3), pp. 271–292.

Rust R.T., Lemon K.N., Zeithaml V.A. (2004) Return on marketing: using customer equity to focus marketing strategy. Journal Market, no.68, pp.109-127.

Vogt C. A. (2011) Customer relationship management in tourism: management needs and research applications. Journal Travel Researches, no. 50, pp. 356–364.

Josiassen A., Assaf A., Cvelbar L. (2014) CRM and the bottom line: do all CRM dimensions affect firm performance. IJHM, no. 36 (1), pp. 130–136.

Palmatier R.W., Jarvis C.B., Bechkoff J.R., Kardes F.R. (2009) The role of customer gratitude in relationship marketing. Journal Market, no. 73(5), pp.1-18.

Payne A., Frow P. (2005) A strategic framework for customer relationship management. Journal Market, no. 69, pp. 167–176.

Zineldin M., Philipson S. (2007) Kotler Borden are not dead: myth ofrelationship marketing and truth of the 4P’s. Journal Consumer Market, no. 24, pp. 229-241.

Fakih K., Assaker G., Assaf A.G., Hallak R. (2016) Does restaurant menu information affect customer attitudes and behavioral intentions: across-segment empirical analysis using PLS-SEM. IJHM, no. 57, pp. 71–83.

Kang J., Hyun S. (2012) Effective communication styles for the customer-oriented service employee: inducing dedicational behaviors in luxury restaurant patrons. IJHM, no.31 (3), pp. 772–785.

Kim W., Ok C., Gwinner K.P. (2010) The antecedent role of customer-to-employee relationships in the development of customer-to-firm relationships. Servers Industrial Journal, no. 30 (7), pp.1139–1157.

Yoo M., Bai B. (2013) Customer loyalty marketing research: a comparative approach between hospitality and business journals. IJHM, no. 33, pp. 166-177.

Barros C., Assaf A.G. (2012) Analyzing tourism return intention to an urban destination. Journal Hospitality Tourism Research, no. 36 (2), pp. 216–231.

Berezen O., Raab C., Yoo M., Love C. Sustainable hotel practices: the impact on guest satisfaction and intention to return. IJHM. 2013. № 34. Р. 227–233.

Dwyer L., Pham T., Forsyth P., Spurr R. (2014) Destination marketing of Australia: return on investment. Journal Travel Research, no. 53(3), pp.281-295.

Hanssens D.M., Pauwels K.H. (2016) Demonstrating the value of marketing. Journal Market, no. 80, pp. 173-190.

Kim B.Y., Oh H., Gregoire M. (2006) Effects of firms’ relationship oriented behaviors on financial performance: a case of the restaurant industry. Journal Hospitality Tourism Research, no. 30 (1), pp. 50–75.

Line N.D., Runyan R.C. (2012) Hospitality marketing research: recent trends and future directions. IJHM, no. 34, pp. 477–488.

Han S.H., Nguyen B., Lee T.J. (2015) Consumer-based chain restaurant brand equity, brand reputation, and brand trust. IJHM, no. 50, pp. 84–93.

Kalaman O. B., Purtskhvanidze O. V., Levchuk Y. S. (2020) Methodology formation of enterprise financial strategy basis on existing models analysis. Economics of food industry, no. 3, vol. 12, pp. 33-41.

Cantallops A.S., Salvi F. (2014) New consumer behavior: a review of research one WOM and hotels. IJHM, no. 36, pp. 41–51.

Dolnicar S., Coltman T., Sharma R. (2015) Do satisfied tourists really intend to come back? Three concerns with empirical studies of the link between satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal Travel Research, no. 54, pp. 152-178.

Qiu H., Ye B.H., Bai B., Wang, W.H. (2015) Do the roles of switching barriers on customer loyalty vary for different types of hotels?IJHM,no.46,pp.89-98.

Park J.Y., Jang S.S. (2014) Why do customers switch? More satiated or less satisfied. International Journal Hospitality Management, no. 37, pp. 159–170.

Perdue R.R. (2002) Perishability, yield management and cross product elasticity. Journal Travel Research, no. 41 (1), pp. 15–22.

Kalaman O.B., Scribbs V., Mandrykin D.V. (2021) Metodologiya formuvannya pokazny`kiv efekty`vnosti strategichny`x upravlins`ky`x rishen` na promy`slovy`x pidpry`yemstvax [Methodology for the formation of performance indicators of strategic management decisions at industrial enterprises]. Economic innovations, № 23, vol. 2 (79), pp. 87-96.

Berger P.D., Eechambadi N., George M., Lehmann D.R., Rizley R., Venkatesan R. (2006) From customer lifetime value to shareholder value: theory, empirical evidence, and issues for future research. Journal Service Research, no. 9 (2), pp. 156–167.

Thomas A. (2001) A methodology for linking customer acquisition to customer retention. Journal Marketing Research, no. 38 (2), pp. 262–268.

Stahl F., Heitmann M., Lehmann D.R., Neslin S.A. (2012) The impact of brand equity on customer acquisition, retention, and profit margin. Journal Marketing, no. 76 (4), pp. 44–63.

Lewis M. (2006) Customer acquisition promotions and customer asset value. Journal Marketing Research, no. 43 (2), pp. 195–203.

Anderson E., Simester D. (2004) Long run effects of promotion depth on new versus established customers: three field studies. Marketing Science, no. 23 (1), pp. 4-20.

Cantallops A.S., Salvi F. (2014) New consumer behavior: a review of research one WOM and hotels. IJHM, no. 36, pp. 41–51.

Sun B., Li S. (2011) Learning and acting on customer information: as imulation-based demonstration on service allocations with offshore centers. Journal Marketing Research.. № 48 (1). P. 72–86.

Reinartz W., Kumar V. (2000) On the profitability of long life customers in anon-contractual setting: an empirical investigation and implications for marketing. Journal Marketing, no. 64 (4), pp. 17–35.

Dolnicar S., Coltman T., Sharma R. (2015) Do satisfied tourists really intend to come back? Three concerns with empirical studies of the link between satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal Travel Research, no. 54, pp. 152–178.

Gregori N., Daniele R., Altinay L. (2014) Affiliate marketing in tourism: determinants of consumer trust. Journal Travel Research, no. 53, pp. 196-210.

Williams P., Khan M.S., Naumann E. (2011) Customer dissatisfaction and defection: the hidden costs of downsizing. Industrial Marketing Management, no. 40 (3), pp. 405–413.

Переглядів статті: 158
Завантажень PDF: 119
Як цитувати
Каламан, О., Дишкантюк, О., & Власюк, К. (2022). ДЕФІНІЦІЯ СУТНОСТІ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТУ МАРКЕТИНГОВИХ КОМУНІКАЦІЙ НА ПІДПРИЄМСТВАХ ГОТЕЛЬНО-РЕСТОРАННОГО ГОСПОДАРСТВА. Економічний простір, (182), 67-72. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/182-9