• В. С. Чала Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана
Ключові слова: банківські послуги, світовий ринок, зелене фінансування, фінансові інструменти зеленого банкінгу


Стаття присвячена актуальній проблематиці виявлення ролі зелених фінансових інструментів на глобальному ринку банківських послуг, причин їхньої появи, основним видам та тенденціях розвитку. В статті проаналізовані основні фінансові інструменти зеленого банкінгу: зелене банківське кредитування, зелена іпотека, зелені облігації, спільне інвестування зелених банків, секьюритизація активів зелених банків. Здійснено аналіз характерних рис та особливостей застосування цих фінансових інструментів. Порівняні різні оцінки загального вартісного обсягу зелених банківських кредитів та їхню тенденцію до зростання та тлі все ж невисокої частки в загальних обсягах кредитування. В статті оцінено структуру зеленого та сталого кредитування банківських установ. Доведено наявність доволі глибоких міжрегіональних диференціацій у домінуючих формах, механізмах і рівнях розвитку індустрії зеленого банкінгу. Автор дає оцінку зростаючому попиту на зелену іпотеку як на один з пріоритетних інструментів зеленого банкінгу, а також наголошує на об’єктивній необхідності нарощування обсягів зелених облігацій. В статті надається характеристика спільному інвестуванню зелених банків та його сутності. Автор підкреслює, що у відповідь на значне зростання потреб глобальної економіки у переході на модель сталого розвитку потужного імпульсу розвитку отримала сек’юритизація активів зелених банків. Наголошено на глобальній тенденції розвитку цього фінансового інструменту на світовому ринку зелених кредитів. При цьому автор підкреслює важливість впровадження інструментів монетарної, грошово-кредитної і пруденційної політик, здатних своєчасно виявляти загрози появи зелених кредитних «бульбашок», концентрації у банківському секторі системних екологічних ризиків.


Bahl S. Green banking – the new strategic imperative. Asian Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management. 2012. Vol. 2. Issue 2. P. 176–185.

Day R., Woodward T. CSR reporting and the UK financial services sector. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. 2009. Vol. 10. Issue 3. P. 159–175.

Manolas E., Tsantopoulos G., Dimoudi K. Energy saving and the use of «green» bank products: The views of the citizens. Management of Environmental Quality. 2017. Vol. 28. Issue 5. P. 745–768.

Bihari S. C. Green banking – towards socially responsible banking in India. International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation. 2010-2011. Vol. 4. Issue 1. P. 82–87.

Leonard W. A. Clean is the new green: Clean energy finance and deployment through green banks. Yale Law & Policy Review. 2014. Vol. 33. Issue 1. P. 197–229.

Ganbat Kh., Popova I., Potravnyy I. Impact investment of project financing: Opportunity for banks to participate in supporting green economy. Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management. 2016. Vol. 4. Issue 1. P. 69–83.

Tu T. T. T., Yen T. T. H. Green bank: International experiences and Vietnam perspectives. Asian Social Science. 2015. Vol. 11. Issue 28. P. 188–199.

Clean Energy Finance: Green Banking Strategies for Local Governments. EPA-430-F-18-004. October 2018. URL: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2018-10/documents/usepa_greenbankingstrategies_october_2018.pdf

Transition in thinking: the impact of climate change on the UK banking sector. PRA, 2018.

How Companies can Improve their Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Harness the Power of Digitalization. A Practical Handbook for Managers. Econsense & Accenture Strategy, 2017.

Мирошниченко О. С., Бранд Н. А. Банки в финансировании «зеленой» экономики: обзор современных исследований. Финансы: теория и практика. 2021. Т. 25. №2. С. 76–95.

About the Green Bank Network. URL: https://greenbanknetwork.org/about-gbn/

Park H., Kim J. D. Transition towards green banking: Role of financial regulators and financial institutions. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility. 2020. Vol. 5. Issue 5. URL: https://ajssr.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41180-020-00034-3#Tab5

Luo C., Fan S., Zhang Q. Investigating the influence of green credit on operational efficiency and financial performance based on hybrid econometric models. International Journal of Financial Studies. 2017. Vol. 5. Issue 4. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7072/5/4/27/htm

Berrou R., Ciampoli N., Marini V. Defining green finance: Existing standards and main challenge. In: Migliorelli M., Dessertine P., eds. The rise of green finance in Europe: Opportunities and challenges for issuers, investors and marketplaces. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. P. 31–51.

Худякова Л. C. Международное сотрудничество в развитии «зеленого» финансирования. Деньги и кредит. 2017. №7. С. 10–18.

Cui Y., Geobey S., Weber O., Lin H. The impact of green lending on credit risk in China. Sustainability. 2018. Vol. 10. Issue 6, 2008. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/6/2008

Мирошниченко О. С., Мостовая Н. А. «Зеленый» кредит как инструмент «зеленого» финансирования. Финансы: теория и практика. 2019. №23 (2). С. 31–43.

Campbell D., Slack R. Environmental disclosure and environmental risk: Sceptical attitudes of UK sell-side bank analysts. The British Accounting Review. 2011. Vol. 43. Issue 1. P. 54–64.

Runyon J. Renewable Energy Finance Outlook 2016: The Year of the Green Dollar. URL: https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/baseload/renewable-energy-finance-outlook-2016-the-year-of-the-green-dollar/#gref

Park H., Kim J. D. Transition towards green banking: Role of financial regulators and financial institutions. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility. 2020. Vol. 5. Issue 5. URL: https://ajssr.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41180-020-00034-3#citeas

Sustainability-Linked Loans Market Status (Domestic and Global). Issuance Data URL: http://greenfinanceportal.env.go.jp/en/loan/sll _issuance_data/sll_market_ status.html

Raising US$ 23 trillion: Greening banks and capital markets for growth. G20 input paper on emerging markets. IFC, 2018.

Sustainable Banking Network (SBN) Global Progress Report. IFC, 2018.

Mazzucato M., Semieniuk G. Financing renewable energy: who is financing what and why it matters. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 2018. Vol. 127. P. 8–22.

The sustainable loan market: A snapshot of recent developments. 29 Oct, 2020. URL: https://insights.nordea.com/en/sustainability/sustainable-loan-market/

Climate finance loan schemes: Existing and planned loan schemes in Lebanon. Climate Change Coordination Unit, 2014.

Volz U. On the role of central banks in enhancing green finance. UN environment inquiry working paper 17/01, 2017.

Campiglio E. Et al. Climate change challenges for central banks and financial regulators. Nat Climate Change, 2018.

Dikau S., Volz U. Central banking, climate change and green finance. In: ADBI working paper series 867. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo, 2018.

Size of the green building market in the U.S. from 2005 to 2014 (in billion U.S. dollars). Statista. The Statistic Portal. URL: https://www.statista.com/statistics/248060/value-of-us-green-building-market/

Even with Covid-19, Green Buildings Materials Market Expected to Grow by $187 Billion. Environmental Leader, June 15, 2020. URL: https://www.environmentalleader.com/2020/06/even-with-covid-19-green-buildings-materials-market-expected-to-grow-by-187-billion/

Cumulative number of LEED registrations in the U.S. from 2000 to 2019. Statista. The Statistic Portal. URL: https://www.statista.com/statistics/323383/leed-registered-projects-in-the-united-states/

Циркулярная экономика и зеленый банкинг. Нефтехимия, 06 Декабря 2021. URL: https://belchemoil.by/news/analitika/cirkulyarnaya-ekonomika-i-zelenyj-banking

Лузгина А. Зеленый банкинг: сущность, инструменты и перспективы развития. Банкаўскі веснік, САКАВІК 2021. С. 31–42.

Taaffe O. Can green mortgages help build a more sustainable future? The London Institute of Banking & Finance, 01 June, 2020. URL: https://www.libf.ac.uk/news-and-insights/news/detail/2020/06/01/can-green-mortgages-help-build-a-more-sustainable-future

Monasterolo I., Raberto M. The EIRIN flow-of-funds behavioural model of green fiscal policies and green sovereign bonds. Ecological Economics. 2018. Vol. 144. P. 228–243.

Eichholtz P., Holtermans R., Kok N., Yönder E. Environmental performance and the cost of debt: Evidence from commercial mortgages and REIT bonds. Journal of Banking & Finance. 2019. Vol. 102. P. 19–32.

Leading European banks for green bonds underwriting in 2019, by value of bonds (in billion U.S. dollars). Statista. The Statistic Portal. URL: https://www.statista.com/statistics/754872/value-of-green-bonds-issued-by-selected-european-banks/

Value of green bonds portfolio of Barclays PLC from 2016 to 2020 (in billion British pounds). Statista. The Statistic Portal. URL: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1089768/barclays-plc-green-bond-portfolio/

Міжнародна економіка: підручник / Д. Г. Лук’яненко, А. М. Поручник, Я. М. Столярчук. Київ : КНЕУ, 2014.

Coalition for Green Capital. 2015. Growing Clean Energy Markets with Green Bank Financing. URL: http://coalitionforgreencapital.com/wpcontent/uploads/ 2015/08/CGC-Green-Bank-White-Paper.pdf.

Bahl S. (2012) Green banking – the new strategic imperative. Asian Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management. Vol. 2. Issue 2. P. 176–185.

Day R., Woodward T. (2009) CSR reporting and the UK financial services sector. Journal of Applied Accounting Research. Vol. 10. Issue 3. P. 159–175.

Manolas E., Tsantopoulos G., Dimoudi K. (2017) Energy saving and the use of «green» bank products: The views of the citizens. Management of Environmental Quality. Vol. 28. Issue 5. P. 745–768.

Bihari S. C. (2010-2011) Green banking – towards socially responsible banking in India. International Journal of Business Insights and Transformation. Vol. 4. Issue 1. P. 82–87.

Leonard W. A. (2014) Clean is the new green: Clean energy finance and deployment through green banks. Yale Law & Policy Review. Vol. 33. Issue 1. P. 197–229.

Ganbat Kh., Popova I., Potravnyy I. (2016) Impact investment of project financing: Opportunity for banks to participate in supporting green economy. Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics and Construction Management. Vol. 4. Issue 1. P. 69–83.

Tu T. T. T., Yen T. T. H. (2015) Green bank: International experiences and Vietnam perspectives. Asian Social Science. 2015. Vol. 11. Issue 28. P. 188–199.

Clean Energy Finance: Green Banking Strategies for Local Governments. EPA-430-F-18-004. October 2018. Retrieved from: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2018-10/documents/usepa_greenbankingstrategies_october_2018.pdf

Transition in thinking: the impact of climate change on the UK banking sector. (2018). PRA.

How Companies can Improve their Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Harness the Power of Digitalization. A Practical Handbook for Managers. (2017) Econsense & Accenture Strategy.

Miroshnichenko O., Brandt N. (2021) Banki v finansirovanii zelyonoy ekonomiki: obzor sovremennih issledovaniy (Banks in Green Economy Financing: A Review of Current Research). Finance: theory and practice. N. 25. № 2. С. 76–95.

About the Green Bank Network. Retrieved from: https://greenbanknetwork.org/about-gbn/

Park H., Kim J. D. (2020) Transition towards green banking: Role of financial regulators and financial institutions. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility. Vol. 5. Issue 5. Retrieved from: https://ajssr.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41180-020-00034-3#Tab5

Luo C., Fan S., Zhang Q. (2017) Investigating the influence of green credit on operational efficiency and financial performance based on hybrid econometric models. International Journal of Financial Studies. Vol. 5. Issue 4. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7072/5/4/27/htm

Berrou R., Ciampoli N., Marini V. (2019) Defining green finance: Existing standards and main challenge. In: Migliorelli M., Dessertine P., eds. The rise of green finance in Europe: Opportunities and challenges for issuers, investors and marketplaces. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. P. 31–51.

Худякова Л. C. (2017) Megdunarodnoye sotrudnichestvo v razvitii zelenogo finansirovaniya (International cooperation in the development of "green" finance). Money and credit №7. С. 10–18.

Cui Y., Geobey S., Weber O., Lin H. (2018) The impact of green lending on credit risk in China. Sustainability. Vol. 10. Issue 6, 2008. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/6/2008

Мирошниченко О. С., Мостовая Н. А. (2019) Zelyoniy kredit kak instrument zelyonogo finansirovaniya ("Green" credit as a tool for "green" financing). Finance: theory and practice. №23 (2). С. 31–43.

Campbell D., Slack R. (2011) Environmental disclosure and environmental risk: Sceptical attitudes of UK sell-side bank analysts. The British Accounting Review. Vol. 43. Issue 1. P. 54–64.

Runyon J. (2016) Renewable Energy Finance Outlook 2016: The Year of the Green Dollar. Retrieved from: https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/baseload/renewable-energy-finance-outlook-2016-the-year-of-the-green-dollar/#gref

Park H., Kim J. D. (2020) Transition towards green banking: Role of financial regulators and financial institutions. Asian Journal of Sustainability and Social Responsibility. Vol. 5. Issue 5. Retrieved from: https://ajssr.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41180-020-00034-3#citeas

Sustainability-Linked Loans Market Status (Domestic and Global). Issuance Data Retrieved from: http://greenfinanceportal.env.go.jp/en/loan/sll _issuance_data/sll_market_ status.html

Raising US$ 23 trillion: Greening banks and capital markets for growth. G20 input paper on emerging markets. (2018). IFC.

Sustainable Banking Network (SBN) (2018) Global Progress Report. IFC.

Mazzucato M., Semieniuk G. (2018) Financing renewable energy: who is financing what and why it matters. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. Vol. 127. P. 8–22.

The sustainable loan market: A snapshot of recent developments. 29 Oct, 2020. Retrieved from: https://insights.nordea.com/en/sustainability/sustainable-loan-market/

Climate finance loan schemes: Existing and planned loan schemes in Lebanon. (2014) Climate Change Coordination Unit.

Volz U. (2017) On the role of central banks in enhancing green finance. UN environment inquiry working paper 17/01.

Campiglio E. Et al. (2018) Climate change challenges for central banks and financial regulators. Nat Climate Change.

Dikau S., Volz U. (2018) Central banking, climate change and green finance. In: ADBI working paper series 867. Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo.

Size of the green building market in the U.S. from 2005 to 2014 (in billion U.S. dollars). Statista. The Statistic Portal. Retrieved from: https://www.statista.com/statistics/248060/value-of-us-green-building-market/

Even with Covid-19, Green Buildings Materials Market Expected to Grow by $187 Billion. Environmental Leader, June 15, 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.environmentalleader.com/2020/06/even-with-covid-19-green-buildings-materials-market-expected-to-grow-by-187-billion/

Cumulative number of LEED registrations in the U.S. from 2000 to 2019. Statista. The Statistic Portal. Retrieved from: https://www.statista.com/statistics/323383/leed-registered-projects-in-the-united-states/

Tsirkulyarnaya ekonomika b zelyoniy banking (Circular economy and green banking). Petrochemistry 06 December 2021. Retrieved from: https://belchemoil.by/news/analitika/cirkulyarnaya-ekonomika-i-zelenyj-banking

Лузгина А. (2021) Zelyoniy banking: suchshnost, instrumenti a perspective razvitiya (Green banking: essence, tools and development prospects). Bank's Bulletin, SAKAVIK. 31–42.

Taaffe O. (2020) Can green mortgages help build a more sustainable future? The London Institute of Banking & Finance, 01 June, 2020. Retrieved from: https://www.libf.ac.uk/news-and-insights/news/detail/2020/06/01/can-green-mortgages-help-build-a-more-sustainable-future

Monasterolo I., Raberto M. (2018) The EIRIN flow-of-funds behavioural model of green fiscal policies and green sovereign bonds. Ecological Economic. Vol. 144. P. 228-243.

Eichholtz P., Holtermans R., Kok N., Yönder E. (2019) Environmental performance and the cost of debt: Evidence from commercial mortgages and REIT bonds. Journal of Banking & Finance. Vol. 102. P. 19–32.

Leading European banks for green bonds underwriting in 2019, by value of bonds (in billion U.S. dollars). Statista. The Statistic Portal. Retrieved from: https://www.statista.com/statistics/754872/value-of-green-bonds-issued-by-selected-european-banks/

Value of green bonds portfolio of Barclays PLC from 2016 to 2020 (in billion British pounds). Statista. The Statistic Portal. Retrieved from: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1089768/barclays-plc-green-bond-portfolio/

Mighnarodna ekonomika: pidruchnik (2014). International Economics: a textbook Luryanenko D., Poruchnik A., Stolyarchuk Ya. K., KNEU.

Coalition for Green Capital. 2015. Growing Clean Energy Markets with Green Bank Financing. Retrieved from: http://coalitionforgreencapital.com/wpcontent/uploads/ 2015/08/CGC-Green-Bank-White-Paper.pdf.

Переглядів статті: 269
Завантажень PDF: 404
Як цитувати
Чала, В. С. (2021). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФІНАНСОВИХ ІНСТРУМЕНТІВ ЗЕЛЕНОГО БАНКІВНИЦТВА НА СІТОВОМУ РИНКУ БАНКІВСЬКИХ ПОСЛУГ. Економічний простір, (176), 28-36. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/176-4