Keywords: cluster, Scandinavian countries, bioeconomy, circular economy, social economy


Competitive cluster economic models of development together with cyclical economy are perspective models of regional development in the conditions of globalization. The aim of the article is to study the role of clusters in the development of national and regional economies (for example, the economy of the Scandinavian region), which are part of the modern global economic space. The Scandinavian countries are characterized by high rates of innovation and economic development, high living standards, social protection and welfare. Each Scandinavian country has its own strengths and comparative advantages, and together they form one of the most prosperous regions in the world. The experience of socially oriented Scandinavian countries demonstrates the effectiveness of implementing cluster development models aimed at increasing regional, national and international competitiveness. The scientific methods used in the article were the method of analysis and synthesis, comparative analysis, systematization.Clusters are a new model for the development of innovation and cooperation between countries and regionsThe article examines the experience of the Scandinavian cluster in the development of bioeconomy and circular economy, which can be used by countries with economies in transition and developing countries to increase their competitiveness. The results of the Scandinavian countries for countries with transition economies and developing countries in building an innovative economy also needs a detailed analysis. Bio- and circular economies are actively developing in the Scandinavian cluster, which has led to an increase in employment by 5-15%. The positive experience of the Scandinavian cluster development shows the importance of the regional and local levels in creating new institutional structures for cooperation between firms and government agencies, which pave the way for successful synergy clusters.It is noted that the cluster model of development, based on a circular economy, allows to increase the innovation of the economy, the welfare of the population, as well as reduce waste, develop alternative energy sources and "green" tourism.


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How to Cite
Simakhova, A., & Pankova, I. (2021). CLUSTER MODELS OF SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES DEVELOPMENT. Economic Scope, (175), 38-41.