• О. В. Генералов Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: promotion tools, export, Asian countries, Ukraine, foreign economic activity


The article is devoted to the analysis of instruments of promotion of Ukrainian export to the markets of Asian countries. It has been established that the basic principles that must be taken into account when building a system of promotion of goods on the market include: the principle of systematic approach, optimality, continuity, variability, sufficiency of information, verification, efficiency. International advertising, public relations, direct marketing, sales promotion, digital marketing, personal communication sales, international exhibitions and fairs have been considered as tools for promoting domestic exports. Digital marketing tools have been analyzed: site creation, SEO optimization, banner advertising, contextual advertising, viral marketing and use of social networks. The main macro- and microeconomic problems of kerain Asia have been revealed: allocation of insufficient resources when entering the Asian markets, irregular form of doing business, unwillingness to adapt their products to the demand of consumers of Asian countries, targeting Asian countries as a single market. At the same time, it has been assumed that the factors that hinder the development of exports to Ukraine include: the difficult financial situation of most enterprises; increased competition of foreign and near abroad; administrative barriers and restrictions. The measures of promotion of domestic goods to the Asian markets have been substantiated by the authors: improvement of direct measures and methods of support of exporters, creation of new financial products, creation and strengthening of connections with the account of the state support between subjects of small and medium-sized enterprises, increase of volumes of financing in export operations, creation of export financing, to facilitate access by Ukrainian exporters to low-cost financial products, to improve the system for identifying and eliminating trade and administrative barriers and restrictions, creation of effective exporter support tools in Asian markets in order to meet the real needs of Ukrainian exporters.


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How to Cite
Генералов, О. В. (2019). INSTRUMENTS OF PROMOTION OF DOMESTIC EXPORT ON MARKETS OF ASIAN COUNTRIES. Economic Scope, (145), 5-15. Retrieved from