Keywords: public goods, sector of information and communication technologies, national economy, reproduction, classification criteria


The key theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the importance of the sector of information and communication technologies (SICT) have been found out to improve the public goods reproduction in the national economy.The purpose is to determine the main theoretical and methodological principles of influencing the SICTon the public goods permanent production in the national economy. In the article, such scientific methods as deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and analogiesare used. It has been found that using the achievements of the SICT positively affects the ability to meet the needs in the public goods for group of people when they are aware them as a specific purpose of the activity aimed at improving human development, solving the modern environmental problems and providing progressive changes in the economic system.The author has substantiated that the development of the SICT improves the effectiveness of the interaction of the state, firms and households in this sphere through provision of information services, software development, intensification of using computer equipment and technology by their consumers and manufacturers.Additionally, it has been defined that this enhances communication between the public goods reproduction and economic agents engaged in this activity at the national and regional levels, taking into account such features of the digitalization in the economy of Ukraine as a gradual development of digital literacy, improving the quality of Internet services and the formation of digital social norms. Based on influencing the SICT on the public goods reproduction, the main theoretical and epistemological vectors of the content disclosure for the economic nature of this process by classification criteria are specified. The author has determined that improving the effectiveness of the public goods reproduction process is connected with intensification of using information and communication technologies through the development of various Internet platforms of the interaction of their producers and users, increasing digital literacy of consumers, provision of information and consulting services, implementation of measures to ensure the availability of hardware and the formation of a culture of digital interaction.


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