Keywords: neuromarketing, product, consumer, consumer behavior, communication, emotions


Currently, much attention is paid to neuromarketing research, because it is on their basis that information about attention, perception, mental processes, memory, emotions of the consumer is summarized. It is with the help of neuromarketing that marketers form the image of a certain customer with his preferences and develop a certain concept of influencing him. This article discusses the concept of neuromarketing, its interpretation. Also, an overview of neuromarketing tools, their advantages and disadvantages, possible areas of application was made. The channels of perception of marketing information by consumers are described and examples of their practical application are given. Тhe aim of the study is to systematize approaches to defining the concept and essence of neuromarketing. Determine its impact on the behavior of potential buyers. Neuromarketing is a commercial marketing communication field that applies neuropsychology to market research, studying consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective responses to marketing stimuli. The field of neuromarketing, sometimes known as consumer neuroscience, studies the brain to predict and potentially even manipulate consumer behavior and decision making. Neuromarketers use a wide range of neuromarketing techniques and technology in their pursuit to better understand consumer behavior. The tech is generally separated into two camps: those that measure neurological brain activity and those that infer neurological responses by proxy. Neuromarketing’s flexibility, while confusing at first, is also the industry’s greatest asset. In practice, neuromarketing can be used to answer almost any research question that marketers might have about their product—even questions that traditional marketing research can’t tackle. Studying manipulation techniques of consumer behavior in the market allowed to arrange them, determine the most efficient stimulation methods of consumer’s subconsciousness and methods of momentary purchase. In the science there is a concept ‘multisensory perception’ that includes data received by a person through sense organs (eye-sight, hearing, olfaction). The popular manipulating methods are systems of discount, packing shapes, attracting celebrities, empathy, comparison effect, etc. Neuromarketing is capable of studying both the preferences of consumers regarding certain products and brands, and the process of their selection, taking into account the subjective characteristics of consumers.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, S., Sukach, O., & Syvolap, Y. (2021). NEUROMARKETING AS A TOOL TO INFLUENCE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Economic Scope, (174), 86-89.