Keywords: tourism, tourism industry, competitive advantages, tourist tax, tourist flows, subjects of the tourist industry


The article identifies the essence of competitive advantages from the standpoint of different scientists and different sources of formation. A detailed analysis of the factors that provide a stable competitive advantage: geographical, organizational, economic, innovative. On this basis, the components of the economic mechanism for ensuring the competitive advantages of tourism businesses at the regional level to increase the investment attractiveness of the tourism industry are revealed. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the number of tourists who were served by travel agents and tour operators in Ukraine, the main trends and changes in the structure of tourism and the factors that influenced them. The diagnostics of indicators of activity of subjects of tourist business is carried out separately for legal entities and natural persons-entrepreneurs. It is motivated that the development of tourism business has allowed many countries with less attractive than in Ukraine, natural and cultural-historical preconditions to increase the level of socio-economic development. Available tourist resources contribute to Ukraine's entry into the world tourist market. But even the significant tourist potential does not guarantee the successful development of the tourism industry. To increase the efficiency of using the competitive advantages of the tourism sector of the economy, it is necessary to regulate this process both at the national level and in the regions. On this basis, strategic approaches to the development and improvement of the market of tourist services are motivated on the basis of the Strategy of development of tourism and resorts of Ukraine for the period till 2026 approved by the Government. As a result, a set of actions has been identified at the appropriate levels that will promote the activation of the market of tourist services in Ukraine. The success of all components of the tourist attractiveness of the region depends mainly on an effective management system and the level of their cooperation. The necessity of development of innovative types of tourism, their popularization among the population of Ukraine and citizens of other countries is proved. Qualitative components of competitive advantages that form the image of the region and the country as an object of tourism are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Pidgirna, V., Palamaryuk, M., & Boichuk, A. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE UKRAINIAN MARKET OF TOURIST SERVICES. Economic Scope, (174), 43-49.