• N. Khumarova Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research NAS Ukraine
  • A. Kodzhebash Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Research NAS Ukraine
Keywords: waste, economic and ecological factors, transport logistics, system thinking, motivational tools


Organizational and economic factors and tools for responsible waste management, which is formed taking into account the criterion of motivated activity of subjects interested in obtaining positive economic and ecological results have been analyzed. Contrary to the fact that there are positive developments in Ukraine at the legislative level, the overall situation remains unchanged and requires a systematic approach: the main resource that enters the system is waste during the initial treatment of undergoing a complex process of inspections and permits, resulting finally transported to the appropriate logistics operations. Pollution occurs not only when waste is located on landfills, but also in the process of transportation and logistics and technological operations. The internal management tools of the transport and logistic system have been proposed, which, in combination with organizational and economic tools of the external environment (stimulation tools), exerts a motivational influence on the actions of entities in the field of waste management. The toolkit contains, first of all, market instruments focused on forming a strategy, the development of which involves two directions: the adaptation to the existing needs of consumers in transport services in the field of waste management, as well as the formation of demand for these services. The approach to determining the economic and ecological efficiency of a transport enterprise operating in the field of waste management has been developed. When evaluating the efficiency indicator it has been suggested to take into account the following parameters: the mass of waste being transported; the price of transportation services; costs of the enterprise (for fuel and lubricants, repair parts for vehicles, staff salaries, utilities, environmental tax); possible additional environmental damage caused by innovative transportation and logistics operations with waste; reduction of the environmental tax rate in connection with the results of environmental and innovation activities; investments to transport company in the field of waste management.


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How to Cite
Khumarova, N., & Kodzhebash, A. (2019). TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC SYSTEM OF RESPONSIBLE WASTE MANAGEMENT : ECONOMIC-ECOLOGICAL FACTORS AND TOOLS. Economic Scope, (144), 194-210. Retrieved from