• Nataliia Goncharenko V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Alina Ahafonova V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Diana Kovtun V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: information and communication technologies, information society, infocommunication infrastructure, 5G technologies, digitalization


The study examines the main trends in the digitalization of the economy that includes implementation of 5G technologies in various spheres of life on the example of the People's Republic of China. To estimate the readiness of the Chinese economy an analysis of the main indicators characterizing the level of development of information and communication technologies and the presence of positive factors for the successful implementation of innovations was conducted. The first part of the article presents advantages and possible risks of 5G mobile network and its value for various life areas and different countries (by development level). The main issues concerning 5G implementation into existing business models and design of new business structures are defined as system unavailability. That`s why, the second part is based on research of the level of 5G distribution in the socio-economic spheres in China at today`s level. Also, the study examines the projects planned under the strategy "Made in China 2025". As 5G technology is an important component of future competitiveness, it can be the ground for a new round of confrontation between the two largest economies, the United States and China. The third part of the study represents the analysis of the main events took place during trade conflict in 2018 and aspects of its exacerbation because of competition for leadership in production and supply of ICT products that require connection to 5G. The study displays the modern ICT market conjuncture, inclusive of restrictions and sanctions imposed on some Chinese companies and forecast of potential ways of situation changes and revision of China`s place in world trade structure. The analysis proposed a set of measures for the improvement of labor market and financial and technical sector functioning, and the development of digital infrastructure, aimed at further improving the digital economy and competitiveness of China. The prospects in this direction include broadening the law and regulation framework, increasing in the state investment connected with innovations and development and extension of 5G mobile network.


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How to Cite
Goncharenko, N., Ahafonova, A., & Kovtun, D. (2021). ACTUALITIES OF 5G TECHNOLOGIES IMPLEMENTATION IN CHINA IN TERMS OF ECONOMY DIGITALIZATION . Economic Scope, (174), 11-16.