Keywords: auditor, continuous occupational training, educational events, legislative regulation, forms and types of continuous occupational training, conditions and procedures for auditors to undergo continuing vocational training, subjects that can provide continuous apprentice auditor training and educational activities


The strategy of development of the Auditor’s Chamber of Ukraine until 2023 one of the tasks and priorities of its activities is to ensure the high level of qualification and independence of auditors of the countries, as well as the creation of a system of continuous occupational training of auditors on the basis of International Education Standards for Professional Accountants, so this study is relevant and important. The purpose of the article is to investigate the essence of legislative regulation and procedure for continuous vocational training of auditors. The research methodology was based on general scientific methods: systematic, logical, historical, analysis, induction, deduction, as well as the use of methods of classification and grouping; the graphical method was used to increase the accuracy of the obtained results. It was found that in Ukraine at the legislative level are defined forms, types, scope, duration, conditions and procedures for monitoring the auditors of continuous vocational studies. It is determined that the main forms of continuous apprentice training of auditors are full-time, part-time, distance and their combinations. It is defined that the types of continuing occupational training of auditors are educational, short-term and other measures, and each of these types is followed by specific activities with their duration. Investigated subjects that can conduct continuous vocational training of auditors and educational activities under the Law of Ukraine “On Auditing Financial Statements and Auditing Activities” and the Directive “On Approval of the Procedure for Continuous Professional Training of Auditors”. Consolidated documents confirming the eligibility of entities (legal entities, audit firms and professional organizations of auditors and/or accountants) that can conduct continuing occupational training for auditors and educational activities. The conditions under which the compliance of such subjects to the requirements for educational activities is confirmed or a reasoned decision on their non-compliance with the approved requirements is provided. Generalized information that should contain the program of the educational event; mandatory data to be displayed in the document of confirmation of continuing vocational studies; subjects who have the right to verify compliance with the requirements of continuous occupational training of auditors; the minimum amount, duration of continuing apprentice training of auditors. In addition, the responsibility of auditors in the form of statutory penalties for non-compliance with the requirements for their continuing vocational training is noted.


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