Keywords: microcredit, low-income groups, microfinance organizations, financial services, financial inclusion


In the current coronavirus crisis, there is an exacerbation of economic and social problems that provoke a deterioration of the situation in a country with poverty. In such circumstances, the poor are particularly vulnerable, whose income for survival and so below the subsistence level. The loss of even a small source of income can lead to negative consequences. In such conditions, the task of the state is to adapt social policy to such changes, taking into account the capabilities of the financial sector. One of the rather new for Ukraine, but already popular tools for the development of financial services and financial inclusion for such a social group is microcredit. This article is devoted to his research, which provides a theoretical analysis of the nature and main features of microcredit, their main representatives (microfinance organizations and their brands) in Ukraine and their financial characteristics. In essence, this is a type of consumer loan that is provided for a relatively short period (up to one month) at a fairly high interest rate (average 2%) per day in the amount of less than one minimum wage. At the same time, there is a growing popularity of remote (online) service, which involves minimal time and does not require many documents from customers. The main providers of such services are microfinance organizations, whose presence are constantly growing in the market and are characterized by diversified activities – sometimes represented by several brands. A study of the top 10 leaders showed fluctuations in daily and annual interest rates, and a study of their net income – the profitability of this type of business over the past two years. In this regard, there is a need to increase attention to their activities by the main regulator – the National Bank of Ukraine. Despite existing measures to increase consumer protection in the process of obtaining microcredit services and prohibiting unethical actions of collectors through debt collection, it is recommended to develop a system for identifying and preventing credit risks to prevent future financial losses and intensify information campaign to increase financial literacy of the poor.


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Miroshnik, M., & Didenko, I. (2021). MICROCREDIT AS A TOOL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR LOW-RELEASED POPULATIONS. Economic Scope, (173), 71-75. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/173-10