Keywords: pandemic, hotel and restaurant enterprises, management, communications, personnel


Strict quarantine restrictions have caused a crisis in the hospitality industry both in Ukraine and around the world. The number of hotel and restaurant establishments are decreased, because a significant reduction in the number of domestic and foreign tourists. In additional, the population’s spending on recreation and culture, restaurants and hotels are decreased, because they are lost their jobs. This critical situation requires the improvement of hotel and restaurant management, their adaptation to new business conditions, flexibility and efficiency of decision-making. The concept of “hospitality industry” and negative factors that affect its development are considered in this article. Statistical data on the dynamics of the volume of services provided for temporary accommodation and catering and the number of incoming (foreign) and domestic tourists in Ukraine, the decrease in the level of effective demand of Ukrainian citizens are researched. The interpretation of the concept of “hotel and restaurant management in a crisis” in terms of the importance of using modern management tools to change the format of work with clients, in order to adapt to crisis conditions resulting from the pandemic, gain competitive advantage, meet customer demands and as a result of obtaining a high level of profitability. The staff is an important component of the success of the hotel and restaurant industry in the market and its competitiveness. Customer demands are constantly growing, so staffing requirements are also changing. Important competencies of the manager of the hotel and restaurant industry are: analytical, logical, strategic thinking, communication skills, and leadership skills. In the competition for customers, information and communication play an important role, and effective communication management helps to make optimal management decisions. Particular attention should be paid to external communications, namely marketing communication policy. The strategy of the hotel and restaurant industry in a pandemic includes: the development of an effective marketing policy, improving the expansion of sales channels, the formation of customer protection and safety.


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How to Cite
Halahur, Y., & Klimenko, L. (2021). ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT ENTERPRISES. Economic Scope, (173), 41-45.