Keywords: producer, consumer, market, competitive advantages, network, trade, trade network, financial resources


A characteristic feature of the modern market is its transformation from the market of the producer to the market of the consumer who by means of modern information technologies gets an opportunity to choose a way of satisfaction of the inquiries, choosing various kinds of production, technologies, brands. The main mesoeconomic chain of such an economy today is a network that is recognized worldwide as an effective means of forming national competitive advantages, increasing production efficiency through vertical and horizontal integration of individual industries and enterprises. Network structures are best known for the concept of economic relations based on institutional and territorial combination. There is now an urgent need for a more accurate conceptualization of what networks are and the phenomena associated with them, which will allow for relevant research on network systems, particularly in trade. Financial resources are a system-forming factor in the functioning and development of the enterprise, form its resource and economic potential, ensure the continuity of production and sales, is a source of funding for socio-economic development and growth of market value of the enterprise. Macroeconomic stability and economic growth in the country on the basis of expanded reproduction, satisfaction of social and other needs of society depend on their effective and rational formation and use at the micro level. Management of financial resources in retail chains is a complex system that synthesizes the processes of making and implementing management decisions aimed at optimal formation, rational placement, efficient use, expanded reproduction and increase of financial potential of the enterprise to achieve its strategic, tactical and operational goals. Its sustainable operation and further development taking into account the influence of changing environmental factors.


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How to Cite
Ushakova, M. (2021). FEATURES OF FORMATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES IN TRADE NETWORKS. Economic Scope, (173), 36-40. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/173-6