Keywords: restructuring, restructuring principles, restructuring methods, wine industry, business model


The rationale of research is conditioned by the search for an effective management tool that would ensure the stable development of the domestic wine industry enterprises, as evidenced by numerous theoretical developments and practical studies of the foreign and domestic scientists devoted to enterprise restructuring. The paper presents the principles and methods of wine industry enterprise restructuring. The purpose of the paper is to study the current problems of the methodology for restructuring of the wine industry enterprises. The subject of the study is the restructuring of wine industry enterprises. Methodological basis: research of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of research of the enterprise restructuring, regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and regulations on business activity of the enterprises. When studying and analyzing the problematic issues of the paper, the following general scientific techniques and research methods were applied: logical – to clarify the concept of “restructuring principles”; comparative assessment – in the study of modern approaches to the methodology of enterprise restructuring; statistical analysis – when determining the problematic aspects of the wine industry; formalization and synthesis – in the development of a phased-structured approach to the restructuring of the wine industry enterprises; system analysis – in the systematization of restructuring methods. Various approaches to formulating the principles of enterprise restructuring and characterization of their content are presented, as well as the systematization of methods of restructuring the activities of the wine industry enterprises. The presence of many approaches to identifying the problems of the restructuring methodology make it possible to determine the main characteristics of the process of developing a business model for the restructuring of wine industry enterprises. In order to increase the competitiveness of the wine industry enterprises under conditions of the European integration, it is proposed to restructure these enterprises by creating an integrated structure. On the basis of the developed business model, the methodical approach to an assessment of wine industry enterprise restructuring is offered.


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