• Mariia Pankova Donetsk National Technical University
Keywords: resources, security, regulation, typology, cluster and discriminant analysis, indicators


In modern conditions of aggravated competition, the state of each enterprise and its position in the market largely depend on the nature of resource management, that is, the ability to effectively use and develop its resource base. At the same time, under the influence of numerous factors, the situation in all areas is constantly changing, objectively causing the need for various regulatory measures. The work identifies the key parameters of the enterprise functioning, which to a large extent form their own style of resource management, and thus these are priority in case of need for a targeted adjustment of the existing approaches to the use of the resource base. The study is based on the hypothesis of the existence of several characteristic (basic) types of enterprises' behavior with resources, which can be identified and to which all business entities belong to a certain degree of approximation. Each of these types has the own stable and unique features that largely determine the level of resource security. Thus, the vectors for adjusting the behavior style with resources of each enterprise, on the one hand, are broad through their identity, and on the other hand, these features can significantly limit them. In such conditions, the regulation of the level of resource security, without taking into account the specifics of the style of behavior with resources (that already formed), is conceptually limited and makes it impossible to successfully implement the necessary measures. The consideration of the typical affiliation (of a certain style) makes it possible to correctly determine the strategic guidelines for the further enterprise's development in terms of ensuring an appropriate level of resource security. The study methodical basis is multidimensional methods of statistical analysis: cluster – to establish the basic types of enterprises, and discriminant – to further check the quality of the typology obtained and determine the variables that have the greatest separation power in terms of the behavior style with resources of business entities. The study results should contribute to an increase in the degree of the scientific validity of recommendations for the assessment and effective regulation of the resource security level of business entities.


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