Keywords: Investment attractiveness, factors, valuation, region, market processes


The study identifies ways to increase the investment attractiveness of the region from the point of view of marketing, including defining strategic objectives for the development of the region; and establishing the level of investment attractiveness of the region; increasing the role of marketing in the region’s investment attractiveness. The first part of the article based on the literature on this topic presents the theoretical foundations of investment. The second part uses statistical management and data contained in investment reports to the level of investment attractiveness of the region. The study concluded that it is substantiated that investor’s decisions are influenced by several subjective factors that are quite difficult to measure, and they express an individual system of preferences, partly determined by the investor’s knowledge, including the image of the region. The marketing tools that realization is possible within the limits of regional marketing are considered. Based on regional marketing the competitive advantages of the region are evaluated and maintained, the level of its attractiveness for investments in comparison with other competing regions is determined, and also parameters of competitiveness of administrative-territorial formation as its ability to constant development based on adaptation to market changes. It is proposed during the analysis of investment attractiveness of the region to determine the real investment attractiveness, using the tools of the complex "4P", which allows identifying such features of the investment project (individual region) that characterize it as an investment product. These tools of regional (territorial) marketing can be used effectively to create new competitive advantages of a particular region, to influence the target audience, and thus attract economic agents. The prospects in this direction lie in the transformation of regional (territorial) marketing instruments for use in the formation of new competitive advantages of the region, influencing the target audience and thus increasing the involvement of economic agents.


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How to Cite
Resler, M., Hoblyk, V., & Havrylets, O. (2021). ENHANCING THE REGION’S INVESTMENTS ATTRACTIVENESS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF REGIONAL MARKETING. Economic Scope, (172), 19-22. https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/172-3